Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Day 104...partial sun plants putting on the heat right now!! First up a new vid...i caught some kind of flu bug, and might be a little slower than usual in this vid...lol

Day 94 Sweet Crystal Candy, wispy branches, but they are long!! I should note...not all plants performs great in the limited light, we will see how she does!!
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Cripes, the critical + 2.0 is a great looking plant for day 84. Very solid main branch dominant. Looks very well suited for the training style i like to use. I have a feeling this one is going to do well. This particular hole does not often put out large plants, so i know this strain(or at least this individual plant) has some serious potential for size.
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Black Raspberries are being harvested....and 7000 head of garlic are harvested....no wonder i got ill....being run ragged trying to keep up with everything!!
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Amazing plants man , enjoy the videos . Get some of that Garlic in to ya bud , Natures antibiotic you'll be good in no time :joy:
Day 104...partial sun plants putting on the heat right now!! First up a new vid...i caught some kind of flu bug, and might be a little slower than usual in this vid...lol

Day 94 Sweet Crystal Candy, wispy branches, but they are long!! I should note...not all plants performs great in the limited light, we will see how she does!!
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Cripes, the critical + 2.0 is a great looking plant for day 84. Very solid main branch dominant. Looks very well suited for the training style i like to use. I have a feeling this one is going to do well. This particular hole does not often put out large plants, so i know this strain(or at least this individual plant) has some serious potential for size.
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Black Raspberries are being harvested....and 7000 head of garlic are harvested....no wonder i got ill....being run ragged trying to keep up with everything!!
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Damn brother!!! Just dropped in to say hello, and this is what I landed on!! You are killing it man! I am definitely a horse manure fan.
(that sounds very twisted) That was pretty much all we used in our first 2 outdoor grows many decades ago. We added actual fish to the holes after that. I am going to catch up on your thread this weekend. I am taking a break from work, so I will have the time. I can tell that you love what you do every time I look at your plants. Good growing to you 912.
Day 104...partial sun plants putting on the heat right now!! First up a new vid...i caught some kind of flu bug, and might be a little slower than usual in this vid...lol

Day 94 Sweet Crystal Candy, wispy branches, but they are long!! I should note...not all plants performs great in the limited light, we will see how she does!!
View attachment 932137

Cripes, the critical + 2.0 is a great looking plant for day 84. Very solid main branch dominant. Looks very well suited for the training style i like to use. I have a feeling this one is going to do well. This particular hole does not often put out large plants, so i know this strain(or at least this individual plant) has some serious potential for size.
View attachment 932138

Black Raspberries are being harvested....and 7000 head of garlic are harvested....no wonder i got ill....being run ragged trying to keep up with everything!!
View attachment 932139
Another quality video, everyone's grows will be sure to benefit from such information no matter what skill level. I think that those plants would rival any so called pro grows i have seen on the net, awesome job bud you're really kicking ass!!

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Hey bud, finally got to watch a few of the videos...good stuff man, thanks for the effort :pass:
:pighug:oh right, and the plants looking out of this world:smoking:

Oh, great to hear you finally got to watch them bud!! Those are the first few of many vids...just the beginning!!

Amazing plants man , enjoy the videos . Get some of that Garlic in to ya bud , Natures antibiotic you'll be good in no time :joy:

Its amazing i got sick to begin with, especially considering how much garlic is already in my system from harvesting!!

Damn brother!!! Just dropped in to say hello, and this is what I landed on!! You are killing it man! I am definitely a horse manure fan.
(that sounds very twisted) That was pretty much all we used in our first 2 outdoor grows many decades ago. We added actual fish to the holes after that. I am going to catch up on your thread this weekend. I am taking a break from work, so I will have the time. I can tell that you love what you do every time I look at your plants. Good growing to you 912.

I used to run fish as well in with the horse manure, i just find horse manure is easier and works A-1 on its own so i stopped using other additions like fish and hardwood leaf compost. If i have time this fall i want to at least dump a wheelbarrow of leaves in the holes and let it degrade over the winter. Thanks for the kind words bud, great to see you again!

Another quality video, everyone's grows will be sure to benefit from such information no matter what skill level. I think that those plants would rival any so called pro grows i have seen on the net, awesome job bud you're really kicking ass!!

Thanks for the kind words bud!
Hey Grow bro...Don.. Scully...[emoji481][emoji482]
Your plants are looking awesome dude. Class A1.[emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji481]9 beers
I love the manure video LOL[emoji482]
I got a kick out of that stuff that shit rocks and it looks like it works pretty good.
When I used to live on a farm back in day and it was like a 100 year-old sheep farm and other livestock that hadn't been used in like 45 years.
Up by the old barn that soil was....literally the shit!!! LoL that's what we used to call it anyways it was funny LOL
That soil their grew some phenomenal stuff was awesome every year.

So I harvested the chocolate mint OG the sage and sour and the mutant Berry got them all in and hanging in the drying room from the outside grow. Put them in cardboard boxes hanging on bamboo rods tomorrow. Will let them hang in there for another 4 weeks or so. Then jarr them up.
Got six more to harvest out in the outside grow.

Started messing with the inside grow put this huge sage and sour in there yesterday and pulled her down she's 5 feet plus across.
I had to put three lights over her[emoji482]

This round it was greenleaf nutrients megacrop while they were indoors(april 5th-may 20th), then 1 wheelbarrow of well rotted horse manure fed them until now. From now until the end i will be using megacrop at 3 grams per gallon as well as Bud explosion(0-23-44), Mother monarch bloom(0-52-32) and redline(1-5-4). The PK boosters will be used at different times, starting off with bud explosion at half strength(work up to full strength), mid flower will be mother monarch bloom and tail end it off with red line. Be interesting to see how it performs!!

Did a very similar routine last year using Green PLanet, year before using Advanced nutrients, and they all seem to work pretty damn good!

Watering amount - Will be giving them about the same amount as usual, right now its 5 gallons per plant every 3-5 days, and once size and flower pick up, it will be upped to 10 gallons per plant for a few feeds. 5 is enough for the majority though.

If it helps anyone, I was just checking out the greenleaf megacrop site and saw that they had a promotion on for free 230g packs... the stuff seems to work...:biggrin:
..I hope I'm not violating any forum rules here...

"Try MEGA CROP free! Add size 230g to cart, and use coupon code MEGACROPpromo at checkout for 100% discount!"
Hey Grow bro...Don.. Scully...[emoji481][emoji482]
Your plants are looking awesome dude. Class A1.[emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji481]9 beers
I love the manure video LOL[emoji482]
I got a kick out of that stuff that shit rocks and it looks like it works pretty good.
When I used to live on a farm back in day and it was like a 100 year-old sheep farm and other livestock that hadn't been used in like 45 years.
Up by the old barn that soil was....literally the shit!!! LoL that's what we used to call it anyways it was funny LOL
That soil their grew some phenomenal stuff was awesome every year.

So I harvested the chocolate mint OG the sage and sour and the mutant Berry got them all in and hanging in the drying room from the outside grow. Put them in cardboard boxes hanging on bamboo rods tomorrow. Will let them hang in there for another 4 weeks or so. Then jarr them up.
Got six more to harvest out in the outside grow.

Started messing with the inside grow put this huge sage and sour in there yesterday and pulled her down she's 5 feet plus across.
I had to put three lights over her[emoji482]


Thank you for the kind words my friend!! I have used sheeep manure (as part of a larger mix) before, and wow it really is a fine manure as well!! Does a fantastic job on weed!! In some ways i wish i had access to other types of manure...i would love to see head to head comparison grows with one plant using straight horse, one with straight sheep, and one with straight cattle manure. It could really open up some eyes!! Maybe next year.....with 8 legit plants in the full sun garden, i could afford to have a few plants a bit smaller.
If it helps anyone, I was just checking out the greenleaf megacrop site and saw that they had a promotion on for free 230g packs... the stuff seems to work...:biggrin:
..I hope I'm not violating any forum rules here...

Its all good bud...no violation of rules! Yes agreed....Megacrop does indeed work pretty well!!