Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

What nutrients do you feed these monster's? Also when do you start giving flowering nutes to them? They must drink like a horse when they are this size!

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This round it was greenleaf nutrients megacrop while they were indoors(april 5th-may 20th), then 1 wheelbarrow of well rotted horse manure fed them until now. From now until the end i will be using megacrop at 3 grams per gallon as well as Bud explosion(0-23-44), Mother monarch bloom(0-52-32) and redline(1-5-4). The PK boosters will be used at different times, starting off with bud explosion at half strength(work up to full strength), mid flower will be mother monarch bloom and tail end it off with red line. Be interesting to see how it performs!!

Did a very similar routine last year using Green PLanet, year before using Advanced nutrients, and they all seem to work pretty damn good!

Watering amount - Will be giving them about the same amount as usual, right now its 5 gallons per plant every 3-5 days, and once size and flower pick up, it will be upped to 10 gallons per plant for a few feeds. 5 is enough for the majority though.
Thanks for the info, that horse manure seems to be going great i will be following my horses around with the wheel barrow and shovel!

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Just because.......Here is a few plants grown only using horse manure and lime, these pics are back when i was using 3 wheelbarrows per plant, with a cup or two of lime, and thats it!!
G-13 (2).JPG


4 plants in this pic
4 plants.JPG
Just because.......Here is a few plants grown only using horse manure and lime, these pics are back when i was using 3 wheelbarrows per plant, with a cup or two of lime, and thats it!!
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4 plants in this pic
View attachment 931521
Horse manure seems to be an excellent choice! Do you think cattle manure would have similar results? I currently have 2 compost bins of cattle manure, but I think i will be adding more horse shit to the mix!

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Horse manure seems to be an excellent choice! Do you think cattle manure would have similar results? I currently have 2 compost bins of cattle manure, but I think i will be adding more horse shit to the mix!

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Absolutely...cattle/horse mix will work excellent