Lighting Less plants, more yield with the Skyline 600 / 400 / 100

DP genetics are nowhere near as good/stable as they would have you believe imho.. my last lot of DP beans have failed miserably to the point where I'm not even sure I'll waste my money on their stuff again. Auto orange punch.. 3 pack.. 2 non crackers and a mutant.. and they were only the latest in a line of flops. I know lots of peeps swear by them and get great results but for me they've never been good and they're certainly not easy on the bank balance either! The Emperor's New clothes.. give me Dinafem over DP anyday!!

Hey @hope2grow dude,

Thanks for taking the time to follow the thread,

That's a really interesting point that you make. This mishap has certainly got me second guessing, especially as the three mephisto beans are storming ahead and have had the same conditions... hmm... The lemon zkittle that was in the 20l fabric pot has just been repotted but i don't think it has any surprises up its sleeve. A solid flop lol.

I hear great things about the BCN critical xxl by seedstockers that i have replaced it with but cant find any good journals. The grow diaries ones are pants. :crying::crying:

I am yet to to grow anything from dinafem but hear their widow xxl auto is something really special.

Are you growing anything at the moment?


Looking good man! That AVT is growing out of the heat stress! That's awesome!
Sucks about the DP gear that flopped on you. I wonder what happened?? Very odd...they are supposed to be prime level.

Bro tell me about it I am gutted. I wanted another monstrous grow like the Glueberry!! Although i think this grow will be better in regards to the quality of bud thats produced and a faster harvest then 12 weeks. The Alien is definitely going to be done around 70/80 days her rate of growth is faster than the glueberrys.

like @hope2grow put it, as consumers we really have no fucking idea what or how they have treated their seeds... brand names aside... we just give them our money in good faith and hope for the best. This however has made me get the ball rolling in setting up a totally independent Photo grow... not in the auto tent now. I won't be buying DP/Dinafem seeds etc because you can grow most of them as autos so theres no point really to me... I want to grow one of those listed in the previous post and see what type of consistency i can get out of those....

insane amount of veg probably but what a plant lol.

I am aiming to have around 10/20% larf and popcorn and the rest just heads this time around. So i am really going to work on getting consistent bud through the branches etc... Moreover i am just looking forward to having, Glueberry, Alien Vs Triangle, Double Grape, BCN Critical & Sweet and Sour in my jars to sample! Different strain for different days etc!! A dream come true! And the Rosin off each to match!

I have gone off on a massive tangent there... my bad lol


Hello everyone!! Hope you are all good, I have been super busy!

We had a few little hiccups this grow but i am very thankful for them! The original plan has changed so drastically i should start a new thread but never mind lol. I had to get on top of my garden there was too much going on. This made temps high and i think had a knock on effect with heat stress etc.

I wont bore you guys to much with the particulars, but in a nutshell:

1.)The Dutch Passion Lemon Zkittle seeds did turn out to be a terrible batch. However i did reach out to Tony of Dutch Passion and he sorted me out good and proper!! Safe to say, I definitely will not be needing seeds for a while! Thank you Dutch passion, my faith is restored.

2.) Whats growing?
Currently i have got:
the original Alien Vs Triangle that was planted at the start of this thread which is doing ok.
the original double grape, also planted at the start of the thread.
Both of these are fine but too small for my liking. The bud will be a great smoke but for the space taken and the power used... its not as efficient as the glueberry.
The BCN Critical and sweet and sour mutated then slowed so i decided to murder them to make space for something new.
These were replaced with a Barneys Purple Punch Auto and a Colorado Cookies Dutch passion into 22L fabric pots.
i will post the update on these soon!

3.) Leading me onto my new approach > Mephisto plants from here will be grown in 10L fabric pots with a single Sky 100 each (X4). There will be some light bleed over from the footprint of the sky 600 +400 but not much.

Sometimes you just have to draw a line under things and start again... Saying that... I am now a force to be reckoned with!!

I also have a single plant photo closet grow on the go at the moment in DWC with a single 800w Skyline... TASTY!

So i have been dormant on here... but slowly working like an elf in the background.

There will be photos soon! good vibes to you all!
Hello dude, looking good in there...:smiley1:

Hey dude,
i'll post some pictures this weekend. Im just concentrating more on growing and less on blogging em haha!

Girls looking good! Looks like i will have a couple of little mephistos to smoke, its ok because i think they will be very strong!

@NG420 are you doing DWC?

Yes bro i am doing one photo DWC to see what the difficulty level is like. Im doing a barneys cookies kush.
Easy peasy so far and rapid growth a few days in. I am investing in a skyline 800 for that. If i can pull a good 6/8 oz off that i can use it for extraction work.
Will keep you posted.

Hey everyone!

After the issues on this cycle i am ready for the next quest so i will start a new thread and tag some people.

Here are a few pictures of the double grape and alien Vs triangle, which i have just let do their own thing whilst i was full proofing my space.

I have addressed issues of height and heat whilst making a plan of attack for the future.

Double Grape:

On the small side, but the buds are nice and dense so we will see what she yields and smokes like.




Alien Vs Triangle:

Again not as big as i had hoped, but hopefully a knock out smoke.


Ill upload once they are harvested in about 10 - 12 days where the Alien will have hit 80 days and the double grape 70 days.

Hey everyone!

After the issues on this cycle i am ready for the next quest so i will start a new thread and tag some people.

Here are a few pictures of the double grape and alien Vs triangle, which i have just let do their own thing whilst i was full proofing my space.

I have addressed issues of height and heat whilst making a plan of attack for the future.

Double Grape:

On the small side, but the buds are nice and dense so we will see what she yields and smokes like.
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Alien Vs Triangle:

Again not as big as i had hoped, but hopefully a knock out smoke.

View attachment 1077683

Ill upload once they are harvested in about 10 - 12 days where the Alien will have hit 80 days and the double grape 70 days.

They looks tasty mate, keep up the good work.