Lighting Less plants, more yield with the Skyline 600 / 400 / 100

Lets see bro i hope next one is bigger than the last :pass:

Cheers @Vapo69 , i am going to be all over it! I don't have enough time to mess that much with making your framework this time around.

It is probably better because i am still growing in confidence same as @davisgirl ... I don't want to fuck things up and ruin a grow just by being cockey!! Lets get some grows under our belt :crying::crying:

It still takes me around an hour to stake a plant :crying::crying:

...good choice dude.....go at your own pace.....patience is a virtue in this game......use the framework when you are ready....I am happy you even considered it.......:smiley1:
Man...happiest tragedy in history??
That's awesome dude! I was just looking for the DG today on Oregon Elite...but isnt there. I have a pack of free seeds to choose on that site, from the egg hunt mind went straight there. All Mephisto strains are out of stock on there right now actually :frowny1: Leaning towards something from Fast Buds now.

Excited to see how the DG treats you buddy! I'm sure you will rock its socks off!:thumbsup:

What a crazy weekend dude! Sorry I have had my hands super full chopping the glueberrys and hanging them!! I couldn't leave a pack of seeds, i am like a child in a candy store when i see new seeds. I am still waiting on the 4/20 mephisto drop aswell!! I am not buying any more seeds til I can buy their 4 new strains in abundance! I was caught slippin on some of the illuminautos and i am gutted about that!

That sucks about the DG. What did you decide to go with instead or still deciding?

Good news though! The DG has popped! and she has sprung to life! Her and the AVT are killin' it but i will do a proper update later for these later. The DG popped in record time, my fastest germination ever at 32 hours from being put into the soil!

Fair bit of housekeeping to do after a weekend of deforestation :crying:

hope you're good bruh.

...good choice dude.....go at your own pace.....patience is a virtue in this game......use the framework when you are ready....I am happy you even considered it.......:smiley1:

I had a go at making the framework, i think i may fashion one from some thick wire at some point.

And you are right patience is a virtue! But i love this hobby!!
What a crazy weekend dude! Sorry I have had my hands super full chopping the glueberrys and hanging them!! I couldn't leave a pack of seeds, i am like a child in a candy store when i see new seeds. I am still waiting on the 4/20 mephisto drop aswell!! I am not buying any more seeds til I can buy their 4 new strains in abundance! I was caught slippin on some of the illuminautos and i am gutted about that!

That sucks about the DG. What did you decide to go with instead or still deciding?

Good news though! The DG has popped! and she has sprung to life! Her and the AVT are killin' it but i will do a proper update later for these later. The DG popped in record time, my fastest germination ever at 32 hours from being put into the soil!

Fair bit of housekeeping to do after a weekend of deforestation :crying:

hope you're good bruh.

Yea! I saw that! Those Glueberry girls did you real nice! What were your first impressions of the smoke?
It was tough trying to decide on 1 strain for the pack of seeds....I had it "narrowed down" to like 7 different Fast Buds varieties lol All of their strains sound badass! Since I could not try them ALL... I went with Pineapple Express...always wanted to try it, and it sounds outstanding! @MedCzech had one that didnt flower for him....but that's a rarity, and she was a very beautiful plant.....tragic having to trash her.

Congrats on the new baby girl! I'm excited to see what you do with the DG and AVT! They don't stand a chance! You rocked those GB's hard....this is gonna a be good!
Yea! I saw that! Those Glueberry girls did you real nice! What were your first impressions of the smoke?
It was tough trying to decide on 1 strain for the pack of seeds....I had it "narrowed down" to like 7 different Fast Buds varieties lol All of their strains sound badass! Since I could not try them ALL... I went with Pineapple Express...always wanted to try it, and it sounds outstanding! @MedCzech had one that didnt flower for him....but that's a rarity, and she was a very beautiful plant.....tragic having to trash her.

Congrats on the new baby girl! I'm excited to see what you do with the DG and AVT! They don't stand a chance! You rocked those GB's hard....this is gonna a be good!

I haven't tried any of the smoke yet!! I know! Its hard not to but i think i am goingt o wait until we have 12/15 day cure. Then i will do a proper smoke report with pictures and what the Rosin off this will yield.

Pineapple express, what a choice bro. I had some in Dam a few years back and i loved the taste, i thought it tasted like dehydrated pineapple, fruity yet a little earthy.

I just went onto the website, I haven't got any Fastbuds stuff yet, i think i will try something from theirs after scouring the grow diaries. I know their gorilla glue can get some decent size. They dropped Smoothie, so i think i might try that because the Blueberry and Mango terps they say are juicy.

Thanks for the congratulations, It's still to early to see what the seeds are going to mature into. But they're ok never the less...
Hey Guys!

Time for an update on the Lemon Zkittle X2 / AVT Mephisto X1 / Double Grape Mephisto X1

We have had a few developments RE this grow.

I quickly realised that using this tent for drying and growing is just a NO GO! Temperatures were soaring when i popped in for ac check up... 33degrees!!! WTF lol. So i quickly reacted. I have now, taken the last Glueberry girl out of the tent and made her share the 600 with the AVT in the vegging section. So the lighting and plant formation are currently as follows.

1.) Alien Vs Triangle > Sharing the Skyline 600mk2 with 12 week old Glueberry! 8 days old.

2.) Double Grape > She has a Sky 100 to her self. AGE > 4 days old

3.) Lemon Zkittle > She has a Sky 100 to her self. AGE > 6 days old

4.) Lemon Zkittle > She has a Sky 100 to her self. AGE > 6 days old

Lemon Zkittle:

Lemon  ZKITTLE.jpg


AVT 600 SHare.jpg

She was subject to a little heat stress and her pot was terribly dry whilst i was sorting the lights out, n ot for to long though. However she is happier now, temps are between 22/26 degrees and the leaves are slowly opening out again as she is hydrating so something to stay on top of from now on. Nothing to worry about though!


Double Grape:

I am really pleased with her progress. She erupted out of the soil and is loving life. I am using the oil heater to reflect some of the footprint off the sky 100... The
easy option when you're dripping in sweat lol.


Double Grape.jpg

I spent a good while mapping out the space for these to veg outside the tent and create a consistent environment. Getting the most out of the lights i have.

I am looking to scale up the lights as they grow.

1> Both the Lemon Zkittle will be going under the 400 when they reach 8 /10 days old.

2> The AVT and Glueberry will remain under the 600 until the tent is available in 5/7 days time.

3> The DG will then be under 3 Sky 100s until they can all go back into the tent...

... This time with the addition of another Sky100.

It took me 3 hours to decide this setup, need to stop getting so high hahah.

That's it for now! There will be some more regular updates that the chop is out the way!

Say cheese girllsss….


Back left: Double Grape
Back right: Alien Vs Triangle
Front Left: DP Lemon Zkittle >>> Soon to be swapped out
Front Right: Sweet & Sour


Where to begin… lol

This grow already has had its ups and downs… Which I was annoyed about but I now think a blessing in disguise. But we have totally changed up the plan…

All 3 of the DP Lemon Zkittle seeds were an absolute flop. I am really disappointed with them this time around as they have fucked up my whole schedule. I wanted all of them to be at the stage the AVT is now. This considered, it was a pack of 3, so I am putting it down to a dud pack… I blamed myself, but then realised that the Mephisto replacements I soaked and planted germinated out of the soil within 48 hours… HMMM… Nevermind!

The first Lemon Zkittle if you remember failed to germinate… We replaced With a Double Grape Mephisto Genetics.

The second had an awful growth rate and was just not going anywhere fast and was replaced with a Sweet and Sour Mephisto Genetics. She looks nice happy and healthy, here she is on day 2 from germination.

Sweet and sour:

Sweet n sour.jpg

DP Lemon Zkittle:

The third Lemon Zkittle, as you will see has decided to mutate and is being replaced today…
She is on day 21... apparently... poor kid... :crying::crying:

lemon Zkit mutate.jpg
LZKT leaf.jpg
LZKT today.jpg

I have decided to repot her into a small plastic pot later on today and put it on the side like the 5th GOG that was in the tent. I'm not hopeful but she will be in the infirmary to see what she produces if anything and see what i can do with her to remedy her retardedness.

I want 4 strong and healthy girls and I didn’t think this had the potential to be as good as it can be having so much trouble so early in life.

This will leave me with a 20L fabric pot spare, full and ready to rock... For the replacement I needed stable and proven genetics with the scope to get a big yield… DP genetics are still incredible... SO I did this, this morning.

BCN Critical seed.jpg

Hopefully this BCN Critical XXL will be a worthy replacement! I am aiming for a nice chunky and greasy girl with some dense ass buds and strong smoke. Hopefully a good freebie!

She will be subject to the same type of training the 5th GOG was… matter of fact they all will if I can have the height off them to mess with. Praying for some legs on these girls.


The double grape is doing fine also and seems happy. She is on day 11 now and going at her own pace. Just giving her a gentle sprinkle of tap water daily until she hits day 14. Then I will increase her quantity of water. She looks a little yellow so i will let her grow a bit and give her some cal mag soon'ish.

DG today.jpg
DG side today.jpg


I am so happy with the progress of this little lady right now. She is responding really well to her incrementally increasing EC feed, and I am tucking some of the larger fans so more light can penetrate. There isn’t to much foliage yet so no need for me to mess with her too much.

Here she is a couple days ago on day 18:
Alien Vs Triangle day 18.jpg

AVT day 18.jpg



  • DG day 3.jpg
    DG day 3.jpg
    153 KB · Views: 63
The leaf curling is due to some hot temps.

I haven’t let temps build up though, as soon as the alarm sounds at 29 degrees I try to bring it back down to 24 which is doable but she doesn't like it when the humidifier is empty.

This is easier now that the GOG is on flush and I have just taken her out of the tent. It means that I can switch off the Sky100 and use the 600+400 to veg the 4 girls for now until they reach flower.

I have made some little hooks to pop into the soil with some really strong garden wire. I used two pliers to bend it accurately and hold down the lower fan leaves. I am still learning so I just sit with my plants and stare at them to see what would be the best way to tie down with the least stress. I enjoy giving them the consideration to grow healthy and strong without hurting them.

Here is the AVT after a couple more days on day 21. Here she has started her feed schedule and is picking up the pace. I am making a different feed schedule for each girl this time with the strains being different.

AVT day 21.jpg

AVT again.jpg
AVT tie.jpg
AVT side today.jpg

It was around day 17 I started noticing the roots sticking out of the sides of the AVT fabric pot… I don’t know if this is a good or a bad thing… I don’t want them to run out of space lol. But I have decided to top up the soil when the lower leaves die off, hopefully more water and nutrients can trickle down to the roots.

AVT roots3.jpg
AVT root.jpg
AVT root 2.jpg
avt full.jpg

AVTroots 4.jpg



Within the next couple of runs or so I am going to trade one of the Auto spots in the tent for a photo plant that I will remove and put into darkness when required so it can veg/flower. I think it would be nice to have a photo grow along side the autos and although the range and choice and quality of autos now is exceptional and sometimes exceeds photos… It's just that there's a couple of strains I want to grow out and i think it will help me improve my skills.


Ken Estes Grand Daddy Purple

KenEstes GDP: Candyland

In house genetics Slurricane

Alien Abduction. Flavour Chasers.

Blackwater. Cali Connection.

Tropicana Cookies. Oni Seeds.

You guys should see my bean list! SO i hope you guys don’t mind sharing the show with a photo from time to time.

On that note, Enjoy your weekend everyone.

Thanks for your time.
Peace and Love.
Looking good man! That AVT is growing out of the heat stress! That's awesome!
Sucks about the DP gear that flopped on you. I wonder what happened?? Very odd...they are supposed to be prime level.
DP genetics are nowhere near as good/stable as they would have you believe imho.. my last lot of DP beans have failed miserably to the point where I'm not even sure I'll waste my money on their stuff again. Auto orange punch.. 3 pack.. 2 non crackers and a mutant.. and they were only the latest in a line of flops. I know lots of peeps swear by them and get great results but for me they've never been good and they're certainly not easy on the bank balance either! The Emperor's New clothes.. give me Dinafem over DP anyday!!