Hi all I've been looking at a few led lights recently and I have noticed that allot of the new modular designs with the secondary lenses are recommending u keep atleast 100cm distance to canopy to stop light bleaching. My question is most grow tents are only 200cm tall so if u take away another 40cm for the pot your only guna get 60cm actual grow space? I've been watching Seymour buds use them and he uses a penetrator with secondary lenses and he has them allot closer that 100cm? The light have been looking at is the quantum bloom bud booster 137w whitch looks very similar to the penatrator but is a uk company and offers a 3 year warranty so is much cheaper and more practical for me being in the uk. They say you have to keep the light atleast 100cm away I don't know if this means thought the whole grow or what? Or there just trying to make it sound super powerfull but it can't be more intense than the penatrator surely? The light also has a switchable spectrum so I woz thinking you could drop the light a bit when one of the spectrums is turned off maybe? If anyone has any thoughts on this let me know cuz I don't Wana buy the wrong light that's useless for my size grow but can't see who would actualy be buying them if that's realy the limit you can go to cuz ive not seen many tents over 2m? Help would be much appreciated thanks. Jeff