Old Reviews LED distance from canopy?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff
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Hi all I've been looking at a few led lights recently and I have noticed that allot of the new modular designs with the secondary lenses are recommending u keep atleast 100cm distance to canopy to stop light bleaching. My question is most grow tents are only 200cm tall so if u take away another 40cm for the pot your only guna get 60cm actual grow space? I've been watching Seymour buds use them and he uses a penetrator with secondary lenses and he has them allot closer that 100cm? The light have been looking at is the quantum bloom bud booster 137w whitch looks very similar to the penatrator but is a uk company and offers a 3 year warranty so is much cheaper and more practical for me being in the uk. They say you have to keep the light atleast 100cm away I don't know if this means thought the whole grow or what? Or there just trying to make it sound super powerfull but it can't be more intense than the penatrator surely? The light also has a switchable spectrum so I woz thinking you could drop the light a bit when one of the spectrums is turned off maybe? If anyone has any thoughts on this let me know cuz I don't Wana buy the wrong light that's useless for my size grow but can't see who would actualy be buying them if that's realy the limit you can go to cuz ive not seen many tents over 2m? Help would be much appreciated thanks. Jeff
Hey Jeff Im not sure for all LEDs but for the Blackstar 240w the distance from the plant in Veg should be 16-24 in( 41-61cm) and in Flower 10-16in(25-41cm).
Now with the Blackstar there is a new one called the blackstar chrome and is suppose to have the same design as the penetrator if Im right on the names..excuse..and they are stronger than the reg blackstars I am about to get one of these I will get back to you on the distance on these as soon as I find out..
I have a BLk* 240w running now around 11-12in from tops with no bleaching..and a 120w around 10in no bleaching..I did get bleaching once from the 120w but dont remember how close I had it will also see if I wrote that down anywhere..good luck
Thanks mate all helps I think the difference is the lenses they focus more of the light at the plant instead off looseing it to the sides so they have to be a bit further away cuz of more Intesity from what I can grasp. I've looked at the black stars but I live in uk so not keen on the shipping back if it breaks! The chrome series are not on there website yet are they out? Most of the new lights are useing the secondary lenses so I want to get get that type of light but dont want to have to loose al my vertical space at the same time?
Yeah lenses do change it up my 120w has 60 degree..my blk* 240 has 60, 90, & 120 deg. Should have the New Chrome series comin soon it should look like the Penetrator..You can call Gotham in the US to see about shipping etc..maybe get a discount. The new one 270W 6 spot he told me 12-14in from plant. and check this place for UK selling Blk*'s..http://ukgrowlights.co.uk/led-lights.html
and the Newer Chromes arent on the site as yet their still working out the description specs etc.. but you can call in to order one or find out info. Hope this helps some
My canopy is only about six inches from my blackstar 240.... no bleaching yet... lemme take a pik to show ya.ll...
The older blackstar I have runs 60,90&120 as bombudz says,but this is done because different wavelengths require better penetration than others on these models.they can do this because each led is separate with its own lense on the older models,which means you can get it quite close to the canopy.the newer chrome series,as well as other companies selling similar modular products thay come with one fixed lense and a secondary lense which I'm guessing intensifys the light and requires you to hang it higher.i grow in a tent and head room is an issue so maybe requesting a secondary lense of 90 or 120 would be better than 60 in smaller spaces,less intense penetration but still enough to grow successfully
Ime going to email them and ask what angle the secondary lenses are and if they do different changeable ones with a wider angle so they can go closer. they do the same design type as a blackstar nearly the same spectrum for £240 my grow tent is 75cm x 75cm x 180cm do you think a blackstar 240 would cover this size space comfortably? I was looking at the new ones just because there newer but that little grow you got going there micro grower looks packed so ime thinking an old style one would probably do just fine for my space? Plus if I can get it that close i wont have to worry about height? Thanks for helping me out I've been trying to decide which one to buy for months i can't do it :-s
Micro 6in...hmm close and their suckin all of that goodness up n shows..nice..I try every now n then to get a bit lower depends on your plants too whether bushy single stick etc..

Jeff - I think the 240 should be ok for your tent..the 240's range is for 3x2ft or 91x61 so I think your good. and if you need a bit more light for lower buds etc you can alway supplement a cfl here n there and that should raise your temps up too much
To be honest, its pure chance they are as close as they are. I thought i was fuct, but it seems to be fine so far. I wish i could help out with more info as far yeild and density and what not, but this is truly my first run with anything othr than cfl. Tbh, i would prefer about 10" between light and canopy, but i.m all about experimenting and seeing what can be done...
I just rang the company and he said they are intense so 100cm is the minimum. he recommended me a 240 watt panel and he's got a few reconditioned units that he can do me for 170 result I think ime going to order one tonight :-) they were realy helpfull and it's boosted my confidence in them! I can't wait to start growing with led. Cheers for your help everyone :-)