New Grower Leaves under rolling


West side dank mob
Mar 7, 2015
Reaction score
Please help its like they are wilting
Show any other signs can you post pictures? Whats your ph, temp,
Any ideas on what might be causing this? overwatering/underwatering maybe disease? We don't have much to go on here
Please help its like they are wilting
A picture says a thousand words.
Post a pic it will make it easier to help you, try to make it as clear as you can and if possible under white/day light.
Hps and LED can show yellow or pink looking photos, unless you have a camera where you can adjust the white balance to the particular type of light you are using.
If the plants leaf tips are dramatically curling over, sometimes refered to as 'Clawing' this could be Over Nitrofication ie too much N but can't say unless we see it.
Temp in dark is 90 light temp day time is 85 ph 6.5
A closer picture will help, try getting a close up of the worst affected leaf.

Looking at the top red box, I don't see the "clawing" associated with "over Nitrification"

The lowest leaf in the bottom red box seem to have a bit of a curl, often lower leaves can show over Nitrification,this is due to them not receiving as much light as the top of the plant due to shading , which means they can't so readily photosynthesize and leaves them with higher levels of Nitrogen.

There doesn't seem to be a problem judging by the photograph you supplied, as I said a closer shot may show something I missed.

I'm guessing you have already stopped feeding veg nutes an started bloom nutes judging by the state of you young buds.

By feeding bloom nutes the Nitrogen levels will have already been reduced.

Thanks for rotating the pic Mikey, I thought this grow might have been in Australia, lol
I agree with arty..The clawing doesn't seem show much in the pic's...A deep green coloring is also a sign of too much "N" lockout...I cant tell from the photo's the color under the lighting..Peace