
Hey krug sending you some kharma for your bro and family:karma: blowing this one for him:bong:

@CLMonkey I wanna smoke this one for you also,:smokebuds: sounds like you been through a lot, and glad to hear you are dealing with it, and your volunteer work:thumbs:
Always stay positive and One Love folks:peace:
Thanks stylez, means a lot bro! I also concur with the rest of your post :clap: :smokebuds:
Well, I just spent 10mins doing an update...and got timed out! Ggrrrwwwww.............
Ok, I`ll try that again! I have been asked not to visit(the hospital), for a few days, cos I`ve not been feeling `all that`(probably due to stress and lack of sleep), and my brother cannot be put at risk of coming into contact with Any germs etc. He has no immune system left at all! I text him everyday(He prefers that, to speaking, less stress for him.), and hope in a few days, I`m feeling back on my game! So today I went to the health food shop and they gave me a small book of pH strips(gratis, nice of them!) I then made an appointment(for 2 weeks time, earliest I could get!) with my Dr. I plan to enquire(theorectically, like) as to whether he would consider prescibing Sativex for patient in a predicament, such as my brother is in!(I read while researching stuff, that in the middle of April 2013, they relaxed prescription from : only for Spasticity, to considering for certain Cancer situations). The cost to the surgery is prohibitive, 375 quid, for a 3 day dose!:cuss: If he would, it would give me more time to sort out my meds for my bro, and give him more confidence in accepting them, from me! That`s about it for now peeps...thanks for allowing me the oppurtunity to `talk aloud` about this...All the best, stay safe and well, all! :smokebuds: :peace: On a side note:- This post was a bit shorter, than my original, cos I was worried about being timed out again...lucky for you guys, eh! :lol:
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great plan...allow the relief to sink in before the name comes out...
when you see him,ask him when was the last time he felt hungry.....then got nauseaus....then after spitting up....did he feel like eating again soon after.....
with edibles or even Marinol...the nausea is beat back and you actually have an appetite for food....we know you have to eat and keep it down just to survive....MMJ will help when nothing else does.
Thanks herbe4 :smokebuds:
Maaan, my friends in this community are some of best people a chap could stumble across. Above and beyond, dosen`t do them justice! :clap::clap::clap: :hug::smokebuds:...:peace:
Well, my brother is 2 days into cheamo, I`m off up t` Addenbrooks in the morning for a visit. Looking forward to seeing him! I`ll pass the well wishes and karma on from you all! :smokebuds:
Will do Duggy, cheers mate! :smokebuds: