Hi krug, im new here so i dont really carry any info clout yet, but I want to send good health karma your way.. I dont talk much about my issues because of steriotypical conclusion people conjor up when i tell them my health issues. but i have to chirp a bit here! I was handed HepC#3 33 years ago from blood transfusions after being hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street,I have been HIV pos. for 12 years, and am currently waiting to have my 3rd spine reconstruction due to the accident 33 years ago, and i have to say that when used in different ways cannabis can do wondrous things for the human body! .. now why even bring all this needless info about my health up? i know that there are alot of people out there in worse shape than me.. i just felt you needed to know that you, your brother, and anyone on this forum who ever feels down and that they cant go on... PM me! i will find the time to talk! im not dear Abby, just been through some shit myself without anyone to talk to about it and that is the worse. peace and luck to all who is suffering. :group: :karma: