from one patient to another....I advise finding the best herbal vaporizer you can afford....
MMJ will all contain various effective cannabinoids....try to sample as many varieties as possible to establish which works best for you....a 1/4 gram sample is plenty....
you will find some are energizing ,invigorating and uppy feeling for low energy and lethargic periods.
some will cause drowsiness for sleeplessness,and usually these are the best meds for pain...and nausea...nausea must be controlled...only MMJ will stop the nausea AND still enable you to eat and keep it down...actually feels good to feel hungry after a bad bout of nausea.
also I recommend an intake program to get the entire cannabinoid range....this includes ingestion of brownies,oil,caps ,etc. an important step in allowing the body to completely metabolize all the meds and suppy needed immune boostersl....
modern medical treatments leave the body very depleted ....MMJ will give relief and allow you to get strength and repair yourself during and after the devastation of the chemo....
he may be in a (clean ) enviorment now...which would make access and use of MMJ very difficult due to hospital this case (as with me)..vaporizing is not possible,but ingestion of the essential oils of the MMJ plant Simpsons Oil.
MMJ is saving my life every day....from 1 patient to another....."give it a shot,can't hurt,and probly will help"