Sweet Seeds LeafTuckers Grow Diary #1 - Big Devil XL

Feb 17, 2016
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Just starting my Grow Diary #1 for AFN (grow completed) -- will update with more details as and when I can.

The 20 x Big Devil XL - Sweet Seeds were pre-soaked in 2ml per Litre of Canna Rhizotonic in RO'ed Water for 18 hours, then I pop them using the damp tissue method; placed 20 in sweet tin @ 21'C for 2 days; all 20 had nice tails...

Planted into jiffys; came up within 24 hours under MH @ 18/6.
- 16 x Big Devil XL AUTO

Germination in RO'ed "water and tisue paper" method.
Medium Clay Pebbles...re-usability is great (simply wash and then rinse in a mix of Hydrogen Peroxide) - in a Wilma XL 180L x 8 pot x 25 ltr.... run bubbler, and aquarium heater in tank
Nutrients used Canna "Aqua" Nutrients, Rhizontonic, Cannazyme, Aqua Vega, Aqua Flores, PK 1314 and a non branded cal-mag supplement (use when needed)
Grow Space 2 tents (each is 2.4 x 1.2 x 2.0)
Climate Control HPS light is cool-tube and attached directly to carbon filter and extraction; removing most heat; also have an intake for cool air to be pulled in from outside; have a 16" oscillating fan at canopy; and a 16" stand fan on floor; there is also a heater that is controlled via a custom switch I've made....? Added a small bag os Smart CO2 in; and seemed very good
Lighting start with 600w MH bulb and 2 smaller 400w LED at each end, then switch to HPS Multi Spectrum @ week 4, then to HPS Red Spectrum @ week 8 til end, also add 600w light in flower; run a Light Rail 3.5 in one of the two tents.
Lighting Schedule started @ 18/24 then switched to 24/24 (made a massive difference; seeing is believing)
Harvest take tops buds, then the rest a week later; fully manicure freshly cut; dry slowly over 2-3 week period.

Achieved 6oz per plant.

Will post an update for each week with photos very soon...
Here's one for the EC nerds like me, an EC/PPM graph for entire grow as shown above
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This is a shot from Day 5; so 8 days from seed here.
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Plants are fed at least 4 times a day initially (15 minutes slot so 4/96)
Running 2 x 400w LED and 1 x 600w MH approx.

Here is screenshot of information related to week 1, EC, LUX, Nutrients, Temps etc; interesting stuff in here :)

Any questions, be glad to answer...?
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This is a shot at day 12, plants now have some roots and are starting to VEG....yayyyyyy!
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Plants are fed at least 10 times a day initially (15 minutes slots, so 10/96)
Running 1 x 400w LED and 1 x 600w MH approx.

Here is screenshot of information related to week 2, EC, LUX, Nutrients, Temps etc; interesting stuff in here
Blue shows it was getting too cold, some plants were showing a little stress during/after lights out... :(
Am ramping up the EC.
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Thanks for sharing this great work with us ;)
I'll be around to see how that plant flowers but I'm already sure you'll get a very good production.
Sweet smokes
This is a shot at day 19, plants in veg, 1st explosion of growth...
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Running 1 x 400w LED and 1 600x MH here, also have reflective panels at side of wilma pots and have pushed all pots to the centre.

EC still on the up...CO2 ran for a few days at end of week

Here is screenshot of information related to week 3

slight problem with low water temperatures...
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This is a shot at day 26, plants in pre-flower (still vegging)
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Now Running 2 x 400w LED and 1 x 600w HPS approx.
Switched to HPS Multi-spectrum bulb (from the MH), higher Lumens;

CO2 ran for a few days at start of week

As I had continuing problems with low temps outside, decided to switch to 24/24 lighting ;)
2 months later I can safely say this was a great move for me - DAY 28 was the day!
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This is a shot at day 33, plants EXPLODED
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Seem to be loving the increase in LUMENS and 24/24 light cycle.
Temps are all back to where i want them too :) Hooray

Started CO2 here again, run til the end of the grow now.
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