Leaf Issues


Cultivators Club
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Happy Thanksgiving All!

I know I said that’s it until the holidays are over but couldn’t help but to plant another Triangle Kush auto.

Leaves are crazy looking. Had this happen once but at the very end.

Soil- roots organic
Nutes - GO organic
Lights - 1 solar flare 1 Platinum 300- both led
Water - one gallon tap left out overnight

Jackson @Waira @namvet25 @archie gemmill @Eyes on Fire @stedimed @Mizzo81


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ohh thats why I dont do bottle feeds man. PH issues,too much too little depending on uptake speeds and what the plant needs. organics takes care of all that and then some. But I havent done bottle feeds in years man so Im little to no help here bro. it looks like a PH issue combined with so liter feeding. which is an issue if you have feed more making the issue more pronounced, Happy harvesting bro.Im probably talking out of my ass LMFAO!!
at first glance it looks low on N or overwatered.but as others have said its better to give no info than give wrong info or a wild guess.but i suspect it could be a ph issue.thats the first thing Waira will ask ph in and out.
the more details you can give the easier it will be for Waira to get you fixed up quick.
good luck n keep er lit
:smoking:- Jackson, did you get that Accurate 8 soil pH probe yet? this is why you need it! .... yeah, this is looking off-pH suspect,.. I'd say there N defc and P defc.,.. of course some of the yellowing on lowers is normal (N defc), but the mid-uppers, and some color burnishing on them hints at P defc.,.. as usual the question is if this is a simple lack-of, or a pH lock out issue,... with GO Box, likely a lack-of, but as EoF said, even bottled organics can go off pH in-pot,.... tell me your dosage/frequency on feeds, and youir water pH/EC,ppm if you can,... that is very important with organics,.. along with inoculants to keep that soil herd robust and functioning to keep nutes cycling and available,...
@Waira as far as Accurate 8 I ordered it this mornng. The last 2 feeds were 10ml bloom, 5ml cal/mag, 2.5ml bio bud and 10ml bio marine all liquid bottled nutes from General Organics GO Box. First time using all items in box. Maybe too hot for auto’s and should’ve used half recommended dosage? PH is less than 6.0 according to cheap liquid ph kit. I know I should’ve listened to you sooner. I’m thInking of giving her a big flush and just give Grow , Bloom and cal/mag.

Latest pic is
Sorry here she is at 37 days from sprout. Grew this last time and had no issues only thing is I didn’t use Grow box and this time I did.

Jackson @Waira @namvet25


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...not too hot I think, no sign of tip burn,...yeah, these pics show serious P defc.,... I'd cut the Marine, and stay with the rest, including the Diamond Black (humic's),... maybe look into a PK bloom booster,.. what other nutes do you have? point is a little non-organic nutes isn't going to screw anything up,.. this season and last, I did mainly organic but in bloom I had to use some PK booster to fatten up the buds more with stronger stuff,... lots of choices, and the PK#'s can be huge, so dilution is necessary,.. how depends on those #'s,... GH makes a liquid Kool Bloom 0-10-10 that's nice, and not fierce strong,... Oh, Roots is good soil, but many folks find the lime sourcing in it can deplete out toward the end, so they amend with little extra dolomite to help keep pH in check,...
What under 6.0pH, the nute solution or run-off? you can check the run-off, after water only, to get a very crude estimate of in-pot pH; if it's way off, then that indicates there's a pH problem for sure,... for example, if it comes out at 5.5, the you know it's too acidic in there regardless...