What should i grow additionally? Gonna take 3 more plants!

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hey buddy, thanks for stepping by and voting for the 3 open spots.
Yeah the seeds look like they need some time but i keep them at 25 - 27°C and 70 - 90% humidity. I hope this will get them to show some heads soon.
i dont bother about keeping an eye on temps etc for seeds tbh. im far too lazy for that, i dont water them iether. just chuck the seed in a root riot. put a glass over it and seal it around the bottom. leave it on the windowsill and thats it. the plugs come at the right level of moisture so sealing the glass keeps it all in. id imagine they sit about 15*c most of the time and only had 1 dud out of 15ish so far : ) thats 2 chillis the rest all canna.
i dont bother about keeping an eye on temps etc for seeds tbh. im far too lazy for that, i dont water them iether. just chuck the seed in a root riot. put a glass over it and seal it around the bottom. leave it on the windowsill and thats it. the plugs come at the right level of moisture so sealing the glass keeps it all in. id imagine they sit about 15*c most of the time and only had 1 dud out of 15ish so far : ) thats 2 chillis the rest all canna.

hmm sounds like that even under harsh conditions the chilis germinated...
I will keep my strategy and see what happens. A failed run is also knowledge
hmm sounds like that even under harsh conditions the chilis germinated...
I will keep my strategy and see what happens. A failed run is also knowledge
oh aye like keep doin what your doing man. thats the right way to do it. im just lazy so prefer simple over correct lol.
Personally I would go with mint, strawberries, and some kind of microgreen. You didn't have those there. Garlic is really good considering prices for organic.

Thanks for stepping by i hope you voted :D

I also was thinking about strawberries and ordered some seeds too.
Mint i personally dont like it that much and microgreen doesnt seem to be a challenge but gets on my list : )
Hey buddy,
just came back from my chilli sience master in M and he gifted me...

from the left side a choclate havanero, a bhut jolokia and a self cross and look scoville of the bhut...

you want a peace of it?