Indoor Kyote's 2021 Adventures in Grow Land Indoor & Outdoor

Outdoor 2021 Cookies FV, Blackberry Gum, BBBG3 x CS
  • Got a break in the weather so took some photos today and treated everything with Phyter.

    Red Mandarine is in the burp stage.. 149g of jar worthy nugs, and a bunch of other material for infusions. So not a complete bust this season outdoors.

    Blackberry Gum

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    EBB x CS ... this clown is in no hurry to do anything..
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    Cookies FV is trying hard under the less than optimal conditions
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    And bonus kola shot of the EBB x CS that is in the greenhouse... what is left of her.. like the Monty Python scene where an arm gets chopped off, then the other arm, then a leg, then the other leg... Me Charlie Brown plant i guess..

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    Ok grofolks.. take care n keep on keepin on :smoking:
    Outdoor 2021 Cookies FV, Blackberry Gum, BBBG3 x CS Phyter treatment
  • Had no idea i'd still be growing into October this year, buts that's how it's gone. The cool temperatures are bringing out the color under the tarp.

    Am pleased with how the remaining plants are coming along. Phyter is doing its job so far, as they all got a clean bill of health today.

    EBBxCS has been treated with Phyter since transplant, including the root ball. This plant was an afterthought, planted when i was considering culling the RM mutie, which I didn't cull .. the tarp area is good for 2 photos, not 3, so the EBBxCS has been broken, bent, and twisted to fit. The RM stalk is to the left in the pic. Pulled her over that way a bit to keep the tops from hitting the tarp
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    Blackberry Gum has tight shoes on her. She was supposed to be an auto so planted in a 7 gallon bag.
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    And the Cookie monster.. smells like a candy store in the greenhouse, and the buds will be closer to cotton candy in more than smell if she finishes. Super sticky she is. Treated with Phyter weekly the best I can since flowering started. This plant is chaos :rofl:
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    And some of the top buds
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    Thinkin to make meself a walking stick outta the stalk when she goes down, whenever that is :thumbsup:

    Ok that'z it.. been a tough few days here.. got some kinda crud that isn't fun. Good thing for infused oil in hot herbal tea :coffee2:

    Take care grofolks :d5:
    Outdoor 2021 Cookies FV, Blackberry Gum, BBBG3 x CS, Phyter treatment
  • Ducks n geese weather update

    Cookies FV treated with Phyter during flower once a week

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    EBBxCS also treated with Phyter once a week since being transplanted outdoors. Neither early or fast. This one might not finish unless she speeds it up a bit.
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    Not a brown pistil to be seen
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    Blackberry gum also treated with Phyter once a week. Maybe by halloween .. maybe
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    That be all for this week. Hope your grows are good ones!
    Outdoor 2021 Blackberry Gum chopped today
  • Chopped tody. 56 days in flower, would have liked to gone another week or so, but nothing but rain and such in the forecast. So as I always say "a bush in hand" :smoking:

    Much thanks to Phyter for their treatment for botrytis, as me plants would never make it this late without it. :bow:

    No signs of any botrytis on her. I now can say this od season has been successful. Still have the Cookie monster going, and the EBBxCS going. If they make it, definitely me best od grow since 2017.
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    Outdoor 2021 Cookies FV, BBBG3 x CS
  • Blackberry Gum is down and drying :joy:

    EBBxCS that was in the gh actually finished off 17g of bud. That's me lowest harvest numbers off a 9 foot plant :rofl:

    EBBxCS that's still going... is... still going..can we say cropvember?

    Ordered some MKP over a month ago.. as a few folks said it can help speed the bloom a bit.. well, it finally showed up yesterday. I may give this gurl a feeding and see what happens.

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    Silver popping in the leaves
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    Outdoor 2021 Cookies FV, Blackberry Gum, BBBG3 x CS
  • Well this outdoor season is about in the books. Some good, some not so good, but overall, more information for next year on growing here on Vancouver Island.

    Still going is the EBBxCS #2.. outdoors under the tarp. I am totally amazed this plant is still around. Lost the other one to BR in September. This one got the Phyter treatment, and no signs of BR. Just taking forever. It may come down Sunday night. I'd like to wait for a bit more brown pistils, but after Sunday, the weather goes gray again.

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    Most of Cookies FV got consumed by BR. She went from good to no good in a few days. Managed to salvage a bit off her, but very little, and all small stuff. Get to taste it anyways! Now I know the gh isn't suitable for growing cannabis. :thumbsup: EDIT: just weighed the salvaged sugar frosted air buds for a total of 37g.... so not a complete loss on the medicine side. :smoking:
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    Blackberry Gum .. the auto that wasn't an auto. She turned out pretty nice for a 7 gallon bag. Got the Phyter treatment throughout the grow. I left a bit on her to ripen more. Will chop these this weekend as well.
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    Many thankz to the grow gnomes under the tarp. All of the plants out there did well :thumbsup:. Grow Gnomes and Phyter for the win :jump:
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