Indoor Candy Kush auto 2nd indoor grow

Candy Kush auto boogie day 54 sugar check
Wanted to see how frosty she is getting. CK is one sticky plant. Nice odor too. :thumbsup: Another month or so to go:biggrin:

day 54.JPG
Candy Kush auto boogie day 56
8 weeks down and a few more to go. I've burned the bajeezers out of the tips so I'm backing off on nutes for a bit. I first noticed the tips a couple weeks ago and that hasn't improved. It's spreading out to the edge of some leaves now. Maybe too late to make a difference. Live and learn. She seems to be doing ok otherwise, still stacking those buds and sugaring up nicely.

I'm on lock down here so my neighbor is going to pick me up some supplies for my outdoor grow and for the food garden today. It's finally warming up here a bit so I can get outside and mess around in the dirt.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my horror show - stay safe :thumbsup:


day 56a.JPG

That didn't happened overnight ? Just for one overfeeding?
(asking because i use GH trio using always the same schedule so no over feeding ever)
Still looking way better then first grow! :thumbsup:

Could the yellow leaves be from plant end of cycle\slowly dying ?
That didn't happened overnight ? Just for one overfeeding?
(asking because i use GH trio using always the same schedule so no over feeding ever)
Still looking way better then first grow! :thumbsup:

Could the yellow leaves be from plant end of cycle\slowly dying ?

:smiley1: Hey Frog. The brown tips started around week 6 if I recall. I started really light on the nutrients and probably raised them up too quick. In hindsight, I see where it would have been better to cut back a bit at that time, then gradually increase them. From what I've researched, brown tips are pretty common it seems. Dialing in the nutrients during early flower seems to be the key to avoid it happening.

There were some spent fan leaves on the bottom that I left on until they fell off just from touching them.

Otherwise, I am ok with how she's doing. Great odor, sticky, and still stacking the buds.

Good news is my neighbor picked me up some Sea Soil compost, a bale of Sunshine #4, and some Sea Soil potting soil. It's a local product made here on Vancouver Island, and I am going to do a mix 1/3rd each of the Sunshine #4 (similar to promix hp) perlite, and Sea soil potting soil for my outdoor grow.

We just moved to this place last year and there is a garden area that needs a lot of work building the soil, so the compost will be used there. It will take a couple years to get some good living soil going and my goal is to eventually use soil for my indoor grows as well.

Take care Frog!
:smiley1: Hey Frog. The brown tips started around week 6 if I recall. I started really light on the nutrients and probably raised them up too quick. In hindsight, I see where it would have been better to cut back a bit at that time, then gradually increase them. From what I've researched, brown tips are pretty common it seems. Dialing in the nutrients during early flower seems to be the key to avoid it happening.

There were some spent fan leaves on the bottom that I left on until they fell off just from touching them.

Otherwise, I am ok with how she's doing. Great odor, sticky, and still stacking the buds.

Good news is my neighbor picked me up some Sea Soil compost, a bale of Sunshine #4, and some Sea Soil potting soil. It's a local product made here on Vancouver Island, and I am going to do a mix 1/3rd each of the Sunshine #4 (similar to promix hp) perlite, and Sea soil potting soil for my outdoor grow.

We just moved to this place last year and there is a garden area that needs a lot of work building the soil, so the compost will be used there. It will take a couple years to get some good living soil going and my goal is to eventually use soil for my indoor grows as well.

Take care Frog!
Just a fyi..
The sunshine4 is really innert.
So measure some runnoff before planting.
Just a fyi..
The sunshine4 is really innert.
So measure some runnoff before planting.

:smiley1: Will do. Not my first choice which was promix hp but the guy who picked stuff up for me didn't want to go to another store. From what I've read about it, seems to be pretty acidic so i'll have to work on that. My well water is over 7 so maybe it will balance out. I'll run some tests in the next couple weeks and find out.
Been absent but wanted to check your grow, good to see the second grow is going better for you.

I am wondering if it isn't a potassium deficiency you have, nute burn usually doesn't hit the edges. Starts at tips and progresses inward. K def. shows up like tip burn, but the margins of the leaf are burnt also with yellowing of the leaf. Also the purple color at the margins really looks like it. Google potassium deficiency and compare some images to a close look at your leaves.

I would up the K if you can, or just the bloom nutes in general just a bit. There could still be some nute burn there so maybe scale back the nitrogen if you can for next feed and give her the K. I also didn't read back enough to see where you pH is, if you have a meter to measure that.
OK I read back and I'm wondering if your well water has something to do with the issues, I like the suggestions of RO water for the gals so no lockouts etc. In the meantime just keep her going and maybe for the next grow one of those systems would be a good investment. (I need one too but funds are tight so I get it if it isn't on the radar right now).
OK I read back and I'm wondering if your well water has something to do with the issues, I like the suggestions of RO water for the gals so no lockouts etc. In the meantime just keep her going and maybe for the next grow one of those systems would be a good investment. (I need one too but funds are tight so I get it if it isn't on the radar right now).

RO would be nice yet I really don't have room to install a unit. It's already crowded under the sink. PH has always been in a good range, usually right around 6.5. The stems are a good green so the pipeline from the roots to the buds is good I would think. I'm using Greenleaf nutes and have backed off on the MC and upped the bud explosion a bit. See how that goes. Probably two more weeks until I go water only. Living and learning.
RivetGrrl said:
I am wondering if it isn't a potassium deficiency you have, nute burn usually doesn't hit the edges. Starts at tips and progresses inward. K def. shows up like tip burn, but the margins of the leaf are burnt also with yellowing of the leaf. Also the purple color at the margins really looks like it. Google potassium deficiency and compare some images to a close look at your leaves.

Yes, I did some comparison. I just did a nute mix and upped the PK a bit. Will see how she responds to that. At this late in the grow, I don't know if any adjustments are going to make much a difference. This is something I could have caught a few weeks ago. I'll know better from here on out. Thanks for that input.