New Grower Kush turning purple

Crap, I hate it when critters trim my herb. I moved plots cause the hossenfeffer harvest was piss'in me off. At one location, they even pulled down a 5 foot tall Annapurna and trimmed all the low side branches leaving like the top third on one side. I tried blood meal but did not seem to slow them down much. I was thinking chicken wire but it's not like the little bastids can't jump (we have hares not rabbits but who cares what it is when they are trimming seedlings, plants, branches etc). I was also thinking about snares but I don't check often enough (snarelines and trapping are pretty common in my neck of the woods). Good luck finding a solution.
To bad you cant use a 22 with 22 shorts.
They dont make much noise at all .
They dont really sound like a gun at all.
Also if not under your home,you could smoke him out then beat the snot outta him.
I used to do that when i was a kid. Lot of fun that !!!
Carl Spackler would know what to do about that groundhog.