Sweet Seeds Kudo Coco_ Sweet Candy Delicious Show

Ok it an other weekend sweet update on my sweet girls,which are looking dam good :Sharing One:,all girl been on Trip-F & Floral boost,iv ending add veg with bloom know, and girls are on bloom till the end know,still not sure what the red girl is as yet maybe i pm Tommy for a bit of info,as i be nice to no, so i can run the other sweet girl i lost in this grow,ok :Sharing One: its time for some :niceshot: 2014-06-19 22.58.48.jpg2014-06-19 22.58.44.jpg2014-06-19 22.58.58.jpg2014-06-19 22.58.53.jpg2014-06-19 23.00.11.jpg2014-06-19 22.59.03.jpg:pass:Peace Kudo.jpg
Looks a lot like my Sati-dom Dark Devil.....

Except I never got any of those football-shaped center leaves on the fan leaves that look a little more imdi-dom.
It's definitely a Red Family, that's for sure.
Looks a lot like my Sati-dom Dark Devil.....

Except I never got any of those football-shaped center leaves on the fan leaves that look a little more imdi-dom.
It's definitely a Red Family, that's for sure.
Maybe :Sharing One:this is Devil Cream,that be just nice as iv neve got round to growing a DD out,:pass:Peace Kudo.jpg

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Looks a lot like my Sati-dom Dark Devil.....

Except I never got any of those football-shaped center leaves on the fan leaves that look a little more imdi-dom.
It's definitely a Red Family, that's for sure.
Maybe :Sharing One:this is Devil Cream,that be just nice as iv neve got round to growing a DD out,:pass:Peace Kudo.jpg
Maybe :Sharing One:this is Devil Cream,that be just nice as iv neve got round to growing a DD out,:pass:

Oh..... I misunderstood, I thought you were expecting it to be something different (Trainwreck?) and were trying to identify it.....

Makes sense that it's a Devil Cream, because my 2 guesses in my head were Dark Devil and Black Cream (purple seems pretty dark) and that'd be it's parents :)
that cool :Sharing One:,its the Bloody Skunk or the Devil Cream got beans mix up,i get Tommy to have a look he should be aball to till me but thanks for the info brv :pass:Peace Kudo.jpg
Hi guys!

Hey Kudo, looking great my friend. It's still a bit hard to guess. By the first looks I would algo go with Devil Cream but to be sure I'd have to be there and smell her, hehehe. My bet goes to Devil Cream but post some more pics in a couple of weeks and maybe by then it will be a bit easier ;)

Sweet smokes!

thanks Tommy, i keep post pic off her as she get on :Sharing One:pop in when you can Tommy :pass: im very happy with the Ice Cool,looking forward too which her bud as well :thumbs:Peace Kudo.jpg
Ok i thought i do sweet update on me girls,iv been having some trouble with me ph,as it just drop so low it lock out me girls,ok iv know got them sorted out,got the ph back up,not too were i like it too be,but it well do till i ride the girl out,i no were my trouble fist started :thumbs:,so here me girls :Sharing One: it not long befor i havest Sweet cream devil,:pass: 2014-07-06 20.33.14.jpg2014-07-06 20.33.26.jpg2014-07-06 20.33.43.jpg2014-07-06 20.33.50.jpg2014-07-06 20.33.56.jpg2014-07-06 20.34.11.jpg2014-07-06 20.34.21.jpg Peace Kudo.jpg
Nice show Kudo!
I can see you always are getting beautiful flowers, frosty and very healthy.
Thank for sharing and for your help my friend, I hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor ;)
Sweet smokes!