Grow Room KsjA`s perpetual micro hydro

Picture update:toke:
Both are drinking nutes at around 2-2.4 ec
ec are dropping and ph is stable ISH

NYC day 30
Still under 45w led :hookah:
She got topped to even out the canopy.

Super Hash day 30
Topped and some l.s.t.
She will be moved to my hps tent in a couple of days.

Day 38 update

My diy ph meter (arduino) is getting slow. so it´s rinsed / recalibrated. And i trimmed the code for better performance. 300 samples avg. now it takes stable readings in about 3 sec.:woohoo1:.
:crying: my hanna combo meter ain`t near that performance.Love this little project.
Last thing to do, is a one bottom, 2 point calibration.:smoking:

NYC day 38

Im not sure i can keep her in the tent, she got way to tall ( sat. dom. strain ).
did some l.s.t. snapped a branch in the process. and changed the light cycle to 24/7.
stretch have stopped (finally). During the next week, she will be bend over again, to give her some more headroom.

Ppm 650 not stable
Canna aqua flores
Grotek calmax
Ratio 9/6/2

Super Hash day 38

She is moved to my hps tent. lights on 24/7, i waited a couple days to long before she got moved and it fucked up my l.s.t. work, some branches stretched. some got light burned. o well it´s weed and will grow up just fine.
Sorry for the hps pics.

Ppm 650 not stable
Canna aqua flores
Grotek calmax
Ratio 9/6/2