Ksj, What brand is the new tent? I just bought a generic 60*60*150 to begin the robo grow project.
It´s a Mammoth pro 40.
:Sharing One:
Ksj, What brand is the new tent? I just bought a generic 60*60*150 to begin the robo grow project.
Hindiana and Big Low went into rockwool cube today..They where not happy with roomtemp at 20-21c.
Anyways, They are alive,,:smoke: hope they stay that way lol.my carbon filter just arrived, so everything is good to go, Happy days happy days..Nothing good goes without some bad things in my world :slaps:.. All my hygrometer / rh meters is way off.cause i calibrated them while high as a kite lol. but boveda 62% seems to be good for curing and calibrating. so i ordered 10 of thoes.
I´ll start a new thread with the Hindiana. When she is home safe.
And thanx again to all for stopping by, Happy growing everyone
:Sharing One:
Ksj, What's up my friend? Do you have any interesting new plants started? I'm winding up my current grow waiting for winter to end. How's life where you are?
Nice KSJA, the controller looks tight! Cant wait to see the automatic ph'er too!
Hey Ksj, The recirculation system seems to be working well. I ended up putting the overflow in the secondary res. below the return to get a lot of splashing. I also added tees to one end of each line to get more splashing. I'm going to try only aerating the primary res where the plants are. Are you planning on planting anything soon? :tiphat: