Week:1 - Day: 7

Its one week since the seeds made it above ground and both the Kind Soil and my own soil plants appear healthy. Unfortunately there is not a whole lot to report on the kind soil as of yet as its very early days still. I will say however the Kind Soil appears to handle drying out a little better than my own recipe. I find that an eye must be kept on my organic soil as with all the amendments in it like the Rock Basalt dust etc, it can become dry and compacted very easily. While on the other hand Kind Soil seems to be able to hold the moisture in the medium a little longer while it still remains nice, light and airy after drying out. Im honestly excited and looking forward to watching my plants grow without having to add any nutrients to water.

This week the SK 400 plus was moved from 18 inches to 29 inches above the pots as per recommendation from Spectrum King LED. Temperatures have been on the higher side, so a big desk fan was placed just below the LED to help circulate some of the major heat intensity from directly under the light. Out of all 6 seeds that were planted 5 broke ground while sadly one seed didn't quite make it so after 6 days with no signs of it arising it was time to replace the seed with another. Unfortunately no more Bomb Seeds were available to me for testing so the THC Bomb that didn't make it got replaced with an Exodus Kush seed from DNA Genetics. All five remaining seedling appear to be healthy and growth seems to be about average for this stage of the plants life, although each seedling is far too stretchy due to tampering with light distances.

The plants have been fed a strict diet of water only for this week, The water has not been PH'd or adjusted in any way or form. The Kind Soil plants will remain being fed plain PH'd water while the others will start getting Bio-Bizz Root Juice and Bio Heaven from tomorrow onward.

Here are some shots taken throughout the week.




Day - 2: Five out of six seedlings above ground.



Day - 4: Five out of six seedlings still remain above ground, they each received 100ml of water.



Day - 7: Exodus Kush seed planted in place of one THC Bomb. All seedling received 200ml of water.

Killer Purps in Grims Soil



Day - 2: This Seedling is a height of 4-5cm on average and still hasn't fully removed its seed casing. It has one set of true leaves developed at this point, that are serrated and decussate opposite.


Day - 4: Seedling has fallen over to due to an increased amount stretching. It is about 5- 6cm in length and just beginning to grow a second set of true leaves.


Day - 7: This fallen over seedling is gathering strength as it picks itself back up after falling over. It has gained 6-7cm in height over all and has fully developed its second set of true leaves.

Killer Purps in Kind Soil


Day - 2:
This Seedling is a height of 5cm which is a bit too stretchy right now . It is developing one set of true leaves that are serrated and decussate opposite.


Day - 4: Now at a height of 6cm this seedling has managed to anchor herself well. It has fully developed its first set of true leaves and has begun producing the second. Leaf tip margins are noticeably raised around the edges which is a sure sign on some minor heat stress.


Day - 7: Standing well anchored at a height of 7cm the seedling has almost formed its second set of leaves. Leaf edges still raising but its very minimal.

Widow Bomb in Grims Soil


Day - 2: A little bit shorter than others, 4cm is roughly the height in which this seedling stands. It is developing one set of true leaves that are serrated and decussate opposite.


Day - 4: Standing at a height of 6cm this seedling seems to be growing a little more vigorously compared to the others. First set of true leaves have been developed and it has just begun producing the second.



Day - 7: Almost reaching a height of 7cm 2 days since last recording this seedling has almost fully formed its second set of leaves.
Window Bomb in Kind Soil


Day - 2:
On average this seedling has grown to a height of 5cm and its probably the fasted growing of the lot. It has one set of true leaves developed that are serrated and decussate opposite.


Day - 4: This vigorous seedling has already made it to a height of 6cm. Although it is the fastest growing it also appears to be one of the most over stretched of the bunch. It has just begun to produce its second set of leaves.



Day - 7: Now at a height of just over 7cm with a fully formed set of second true leaves this seedling has become more susceptible to heat as stress is noticeable along the leaf edges.

THC Bomb



Day - 6: This seedling was the last to brake ground which is obvious from its lack of growth. It stands about 5-6cm in height and is currently developing its second set of leaves.

Temperature: 29-30C
Relative Humidity: 65-70%
:smoking: I take that back Grimmy, you are right-- with all the BlueBerry's out there, it's hard to say where their respective origins are,.. but if DP's BB traces directly back to DJ Shorts, then BD is very likely a direct relative given it's age and origins, which is 45 miles away from me here in CA! You know, I'm not sure who specifically claims to be the true breeder of BD... it exploded onto the scene here years ago, and has been a staple ever since,... but it's been mucked with and perverted so much due to it's popularity, finding the real deal I remember from back when can be difficult! So many sell the seeds now,...but I think it started as clone only,...
...I hope to torture you in a couple months or so with some BV- :rofl:... and then, I can actually compare them! I love BD's room smoke smell, it's almost like an incense.... from what Sniper says, BV feel very much the 50/50 hybrid she is,...:pass:
Yeah Stepside, keep it rollin! Several others of us still have plenty of time to go. Think my main set is a cpl weeks to a month left, and the couple restarts are at least 6 weeks out. We'll keep the party updates trickling in!
:d5: Great start Grimmy! I rather like the lone black sheep in this family too- :rofl: Did you settle on a good distance for the seedling on that fab' SK unit? I can't wait to try the COB conversion that A-train is building for me! How are you liking the SK so far? .... I like that you're testing against your own custom soil as well, like EoF did; care to share what's in it?
It's getting quite odorous in there now lol. It's more like the scent of scandinavian virgins wearing dresses made of candy, riding triumphant unicorns and wielding grape lightsabers. Yeah let's go with that lmao
Step' the G13's look great! THAT is a hedge, short in length, but plenty dense- :d5: .. You think you can take them before the weather gets ugly? What were the other beauties you had at LS?

..Anthro :rofl:-- ya know, I think I get it!
:smoking: Pops, alas....:frowny::bong: :frowny: ...the Bong... is not ours!! :dammit: :rofl::rofl::rofl: .... :clapper: :backside: :clapper:-- Congrat's EoF, ya glory hog!! :haha: ...Wish you were close mate, we'd make you stone us to the bone on that fine-ass unit thur! :smokeout: