I'm not buying your idea that acids used to ph water build up in the soil! There is no evidence to support that. the acids used for ph adjustment breakdown, just like everything else. Acidic soil is caused by the plants themselves in the everyday process of of ion exchange thru the roots causing concentraions of acids. What does the roots exchange for mineral ions? Hydrogen ions (H+ ) or Hydroxyl ions ( OH- ). Plants tend to favor H+. This exchange means the plant is actively acidifying the soil at the same time as decomposition of organic matter in the soil ( and organic nutrients etc ), leading to carbonic acid buildup. H+ is acid ( PH= measurement of H+ ). the plant exchanges H+ for amonium and the soil acidifies over time. During flower, plants exchange even more H+ for more K and Mg also acidifying the soil. P uptake does the opposite, but the transport of H+ for the other needs exceeds its nulifying benefit. So it would seem to me, the issue is caused by a very active plant, or the organic matter feeding the soil.
I'm starting to get concerned for one of the KindSoil ladies, it's the big Cream Mandarine XL, and is starting to eat another set of leaves. It's only gotten pH'ed water of course, definitely letting it get dry thoroughly between waterings, and I don't see any definitive deficiencies nor any burn. I'll do a full pH readup later.

Anyone else have this?
View attachment 606292
What is your water source? (tap, well, filtered etc...)
You mention your PHing the water what are you using to PH adjust?
Whats the water PH before you do any adjusting?

What base media did you use?
Kind Soil update
Week 9 day 64
Girls are getting to the end, this week most of the orange hairs show up that( Mephesto orange),less than two week to go on 2 of them.
3 Bear
Looking so good her tric's are 50% cloudy, she will be done quick.
DSCF5371 (2).JPG

GRAPE Crinkle
Her hairs are orange but there so much frost.

DSCF5373 (2).JPG

skywalker will take the longest to finish, she was made to grow longer.
JUST getting fat

watering all 20 oz ea ph 6.5 to 6.7.
This will be killer Med.
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Kind Soil update
Week 9 day 64
Girls are getting to the end, this week most of the orange hairs show up that( Mephesto orange),less than two week to go on 2 of them.
3 Bear
Looking so good her tric's are 50% cloudy, she will be done quick. View attachment 606922 View attachment 606923
GRAPE Crinkle
Her hairs are orange but there so much frost.
View attachment 606924
View attachment 606931
skywalker will take the longest to finish, she was made to grow longer.
JUST getting fat
View attachment 606932 View attachment 606933 View attachment 606934
watering all 20 oz ea ph 6.5 to 6.7.
This will be killer Med.
Those are looking killer great job. Gave ya a rep slap..
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Awesome and beautiful plants @Pops!

@Kindsoil for water I'm using deep-aquifer well water, it starts out around 8.2 plus or minus a point or so, I use the Earth Juice natural crystals Down to get it to 6.3. Base media was my usual organic home mix with the typical goodies. It stays about 6.1~6.5.

I use a pretty decent Oakton pen for adjusting the water, I'm not too worried about the water. It's taken me a couple years but I think I finally have my water and liquids about dialed in.

I did a complete pH test workup with the Accurate 8 tonight, all tested pretty normal dry and damp, my topsoil is about 6.5 and the KindSoil below is about 6.3.

Now a couple of the plants in my soil are eating on the lowest leaves... So it must be narrowed down to my topsoil as the culprit. Maybe the heat is finally taking its toll. I'm not stressing it though. Darnit I was really hoping for a trouble free grow round haha! :p That one is looking worse, but guess we just gotta let it ride. It's all good, not losing any sleep over it. :biggrin: This is still the most fun my tent has seen all year! And really that it's making anything in this heat is a miracle lol!

Quick Peeks!: the KindSoil side: all 6 Tombstones are skward, the 3 Blackberry Stones are growing well with 1 verified female, and the Cream Mandarine XL is still bold n pretty. (notice temp 102 today lol)


My side: 6 Blackberry Stones doing well with only 1 confirmed female yet, the Red Poison is doing great but stretchy, the Cream Mandarine XL is just okay. My side is looking more green just because of the seedling resets I had to do on the other side, but those on my side also have received a couple doses of Microblast and Equilibrium (calmag) otherwise just water.

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water , and could come down thursday. but we'll see. imma check her out tomm for dark and see if shes ready :D been a pleasure to run this soil actually. thanks again for the opportunity Mr. Kindly Kind Soil LOL and again ANY pics I post on this thread your welcome to have and only is with Kind soil totally or predominately and mostly entirely of water will be used for my remaining grows. ill tea it up but very small and mellow but it will be rare for these unless needed.

the SNOG was 100% water only from my faucet. not bad eh?

prolly 2.5 Oscars when dried. full up a half gallon pretty easily ,or two LOL!

Its unfortunate all your other plants are showing the issues but like you said it can at least be narrowed down to the base media mix, now its just finding out why. But honestly the overall plant is looking healthy outside of the lower leaf issue. it sucks to loose leaves but if the whole plant isn't suffering it should pull through.

Awesome and beautiful plants @Pops!

@Kindsoil for water I'm using deep-aquifer well water, it starts out around 8.2 plus or minus a point or so, I use the Earth Juice natural crystals Down to get it to 6.3. Base media was my usual organic home mix with the typical goodies. It stays about 6.1~6.5.

I use a pretty decent Oakton pen for adjusting the water, I'm not too worried about the water. It's taken me a couple years but I think I finally have my water and liquids about dialed in.

I did a complete pH test workup with the Accurate 8 tonight, all tested pretty normal dry and damp, my topsoil is about 6.5 and the KindSoil below is about 6.3.

Now a couple of the plants in my soil are eating on the lowest leaves... So it must be narrowed down to my topsoil as the culprit. Maybe the heat is finally taking its toll. I'm not stressing it though. Darnit I was really hoping for a trouble free grow round haha! :p That one is looking worse, but guess we just gotta let it ride. It's all good, not losing any sleep over it. :biggrin: This is still the most fun my tent has seen all year! And really that it's making anything in this heat is a miracle lol!

Quick Peeks!: the KindSoil side: all 6 Tombstones are skward, the 3 Blackberry Stones are growing well with 1 verified female, and the Cream Mandarine XL is still bold n pretty. (notice temp 102 today lol)

View attachment 607072

My side: 6 Blackberry Stones doing well with only 1 confirmed female yet, the Red Poison is doing great but stretchy, the Cream Mandarine XL is just okay. My side is looking more green just because of the seedling resets I had to do on the other side, but those on my side also have received a couple doses of Microblast and Equilibrium (calmag) otherwise just water.
View attachment 607074
and i just want to be clear after posting that its only their beneficials... it doesnt mean those companies main grow lines are lower than they claim but .. its still shady as heck ..