oh yeah man,thats where i think we are getting our threads crossed.I thiught we all were supposed to do one or two pots exactly as per directions for the Kind Soil.which Im doing. and the SNOG for example is done with thee same materials just mixed a little different.and the others will be essentially the same materials but done ever so slightly different is all.i still have three or atleast two pots to do and once the MSA is done for good or bad ill redo some others in ever so slightly different ways WITh the same basic materials. does that make more sense? LOL! but thats what I thought we were doing is all. is that ok?or do they ALL need to be run layered and left alone?
and you'll have it,even two potentially.i wanna do the layer again but use more and possibly a topping of the extra soil for sized pot as a top coat so all together have the same exact amount of soil (Kind Soil) used per pot. but yeah man you'll get it.good,bad,ugly,awesome or not LOL!
@Bromeo, Hey brother, There may be a problem with your test. I am NOT trying to be a kill joy about it, but we were asked to test Kindsoil, unadulterated!! Win, loose, or draw, we are looking for a stock Kindsoil run, to give positive or negative feedback on how they work in your setup. If your plant has deficiencies or dies because of the soil not having enough NPK, we needed to know about it.:face: Its why we are testing the stuff...remember??:shrug: I already asked @Eyes on Fire NOT to amend or use teas earlier in thread. How are we supposed to give any feedback on this product if the test is inaccurate? This isn't a grow and show thread, its a test thread.:cheers: Maybe at the very least, tagged Kindsoil and waited for a response??
I've still used nothing but KindSoil this entire test. If I didn't use enough in the first place then it's my fault. Not theirs.

Well I had planted a bunch of REGULAR beans (because that's all I had on hand) and put them in 1 gallon pots for the purpose of this test. I didn't want to waste the opportunity in case I had males in the bunch, so I took four Blackberry Stone's and brought them to sex in 1 gallon pots using pure coco-coir and my normal nutrient regiment of Sea Grow 16-16-16. Once they sexed, I moved them to the autopots (which happened just a few days ago) and now after the transplant, I am continuing on using only pH'd water as recommended for the soil. Any leaf problems in these pics (taken just today) were from pre-transplant. I will continue to veg them out and flower until completed using only water.

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The plant in the smaller 2 gallon pot on the far right is actually what I had left over for Kind Soil. I wasn't planning on showcasing it, it was just actually kind of a "well crap, there's a tiny bit left and this is what I have, so... for shits and grins let's put this in a pot!" I was advised I would probably have problems going straight coco-coir with my seedlings with Kind Soil. The mix in the 2 gallon pot is the layer of Kind Soil on the bottom, then the rest is coco-coir, perlite, and I mixed maybe a cup full of Kind Soil into the TOP layer of coco-coir. It's actually done surprisingly well! Not the biggest of the betties but it's holding it's own for something I have literally ONLY given pH'd water through it's entire life!

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And here's a lineup of the four that were just transplanted:

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Curious to see how these babies finish out! My impressions so far is that this is an EXTREMELY easy system, provided it works for the needs of the plants. In my comparison here I have 4 plants were fed nutrients via my normal schedule (and now switching to the Kind Soil system to finish veg and flower,) and one literally just KS from start to finish!

Was also warned they may not work well in autopots, I'm still working on hooking up the system but have been hand watering since transplant. The root balls were place RIGHT on top of the KS layer though, so they should easily be hitting it for the leach/wicking.

More updates coming, just wanted to get these babies sexed before posting pictures of possible male parts all over haha!

Appreciate the opportunity from @Kindsoil !
well as i figured and touched on a cpl weeks ago was the top coating or turning in of the top coat rather,but since I havent done any of that( i wanna repair her soo bad its killing me LMFAO) shes following the path i figured she would.fully yellowing out and will(if she finishes at all fully)pencil out on the flowers. BUT, ive heard from many that ,or rather to say ive seen talk of that its neaither for them or potentially not a soil product.WELL take my SNOG.. id have to look back as to what brand of plain soil I used(frign MS) but that and kind soil solely as well as thee same exact water. now take into account that the Stone and NW works DOES usually require a much more involved cal and carb regiment.but I thought about doing a rice wash water but will possibly let her fizzle out for a few more weeks and then chop her LOL! but again,we'll see. but the SNOG was mixed very differently. which is why i have always been against the layerimng theory. since thats really all it is unless your using it for HEAVY feeders and a boosting layer but spikes are really what thats for or topping with a heavy dense food source(ie:soil) ... but mixing it with the rest of the soil for the proper amount of gallons and soil ,what that does is it lets is not drain out( as fore mentioned caustic condition at the bottom NEEDING to be gotten rid of lightly-ie;rinsed away) and feed a bit more evenly and naturally. now the dragons would do fine but I would personally add a fist full of rice per pot and let it feed on that for a handful of days THEN plant like my SNOG ,is what Id do if I had another MSA bean. but alas I do not,OR an alternating carb feeding( rice wash water n cal mag or stand alone) and the cal mag and then plain sips of water in between and that would do fine for a MSA of similar large strain,that of course desires a higher feeding regime and/or carb foods. but thats my thoughts on that thus far. i still have two or even three to do yet. ill be planting soo'ish. this coming week or weekend maybe.

so in short it a capable soil but needs light tweeking for solid auto grows and no issue auto grows and without the marking and the spotting on leaves ,or much less as noted on my SNOG. but again we'll see.I'm not done yet. but its a perfectly capable soil. :)

Great report! I plan to run the Kind Soil I have left in similar fashion in auto pots and have some ideas on getting the most from it in auto pots.


Well I had planted a bunch of REGULAR beans (because that's all I had on hand) and put them in 1 gallon pots for the purpose of this test. I didn't want to waste the opportunity in case I had males in the bunch, so I took four Blackberry Stone's and brought them to sex in 1 gallon pots using pure coco-coir and my normal nutrient regiment of Sea Grow 16-16-16. Once they sexed, I moved them to the autopots (which happened just a few days ago) and now after the transplant, I am continuing on using only pH'd water as recommended for the soil. Any leaf problems in these pics (taken just today) were from pre-transplant. I will continue to veg them out and flower until completed using only water.

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View attachment 594777

The plant in the smaller 2 gallon pot on the far right is actually what I had left over for Kind Soil. I wasn't planning on showcasing it, it was just actually kind of a "well crap, there's a tiny bit left and this is what I have, so... for shits and grins let's put this in a pot!" I was advised I would probably have problems going straight coco-coir with my seedlings with Kind Soil. The mix in the 2 gallon pot is the layer of Kind Soil on the bottom, then the rest is coco-coir, perlite, and I mixed maybe a cup full of Kind Soil into the TOP layer of coco-coir. It's actually done surprisingly well! Not the biggest of the betties but it's holding it's own for something I have literally ONLY given pH'd water through it's entire life!

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And here's a lineup of the four that were just transplanted:

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View attachment 594788

Curious to see how these babies finish out! My impressions so far is that this is an EXTREMELY easy system, provided it works for the needs of the plants. In my comparison here I have 4 plants were fed nutrients via my normal schedule (and now switching to the Kind Soil system to finish veg and flower,) and one literally just KS from start to finish!

Was also warned they may not work well in autopots, I'm still working on hooking up the system but have been hand watering since transplant. The root balls were place RIGHT on top of the KS layer though, so they should easily be hitting it for the leach/wicking.

More updates coming, just wanted to get these babies sexed before posting pictures of possible male parts all over haha!

Appreciate the opportunity from @Kindsoil !
Cool test ya got going Hobbes, neat to see how KindSoil marries with Autopots. And Eyes is rocking hard!

I'm all above soil now, some of the Sweet Seeds seedlings struggling a little bit... Not quite sure what's up with that except some beans were old and it's over 100°F in there daily lol. Honestly it'll be a miracle if they all make it through summer lol! I did get 9 for 9 on the Blackberry Dragon multi repopulation of the dud pots, so that's awesome!

The one rockstar gal Cream Mandarine XL is really doing well. She's gonna rule the round I think.
KindSoil pots:

My soil pots:
Kind Soil Update / Bud Porn
Well it's been a good week for the girls .
there getting 18-6 hrs of lite.
all Girls drinking 15-20 oz of 6.5 Ph water every 2 days.
Day 31
First up 3 BEAR She the shortest of the girls, but she wide girl. lots of bud sites
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DAY 31

Had to do some LST on her sHE could be a beast in the making.
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31 days
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SHE is a sweet thing,with long thin leaves.
WEEK 5, DAY 35
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Kind soil is making this to easy.:pass::headbang::woohoo1::coffee::drool:
