Here's my G13 clones in Kindsoil


6 days ago


I haven't got my autos in yet... I seem to be having germ problems
Everybody's looking so great!! Eyes' lil lassies shaping up to be right lil bushes already. Pop22 got a couple Long Tall Sally's hahaa! Stepside mmmm G13! Always a winner that strain, those are some serious lookin cuts bro! Rooted already or fresh n just stuck em in there?

I'm stilllll waiting for my 2 slow-ass photoperiods to finish lol. Few weeks ago when they looked like doodoo I was ready to cull em early and get on with it. But now the Skywalker Kush is recovered and on track to be my single yield record lol. Prolly two weeks out, y'all gonna be almost flowering by then, but don't fret, I step strong when doing a test!

Here's the song to play for the lady plants when they get lanky hahaa