do you have a current pic man? only issue that has to be observed imho is tha fact if too much is used you'll actually burn your plant and ppiss it off nicely too btw. but for two gallons of water off the cuff i would say 1 cup of soil max and a short brew of 24 to 36 hours max with an inoculate to maintain the life and a s,mall bit of molasses at a TBspoon for those 2 gallons of water and thats what I would start with. if it still wains I would top coat her. heck id do that first with depending on how the plant is thats why I asked if you had a current today pic man. but yeah off the cuff thats where Id go.
Thanks Eyes, I don't have a current pic at the moment but will take your advise on topping the soil and adding about 1tsp of molasses to the water. Do I need to get organic molasses? I have some Holiday blackstrap molasses on hand. Thanks ✌