Growing side by side. I have two mephisto strains growing one in kind soil and the other in the mephisto soil additive.
They are both getting store bought distilled water and mammoth P. The kind soil plant is a grape crinkle and the mephisto additive plant is an illuminauto [HASHTAG]#6[/HASHTAG].
They are both 18 days old and they are both super healthy.. I am not looking for anything but ease of grow.
I give one advantage so far to The Mephisto soil additive as it's a longer shelf life as the kind soil can not sit and wait for long periods without it losing some of its microbial life.
I also like that I can mix it with my own soil and really do not have to measure my soil.
Here are the girls day 18
Grape crinkle
Illuminauto [HASHTAG]#6[/HASHTAG]
They are both getting store bought distilled water and mammoth P. The kind soil plant is a grape crinkle and the mephisto additive plant is an illuminauto [HASHTAG]#6[/HASHTAG].
They are both 18 days old and they are both super healthy.. I am not looking for anything but ease of grow.
I give one advantage so far to The Mephisto soil additive as it's a longer shelf life as the kind soil can not sit and wait for long periods without it losing some of its microbial life.
I also like that I can mix it with my own soil and really do not have to measure my soil.
Here are the girls day 18
Grape crinkle
Illuminauto [HASHTAG]#6[/HASHTAG]