Dutch Passion Ken357's 2017 Dutch outdoor endeavors with Dutch Passion autofems

Thanks for chiming in buddy! Indeed "Lekker!". They're in 6.5l pots till the end. I chose not to use my 11l pots because my windowsill won't accommodate them. I'm just hoping the next 3 months will be nice and sunny... "Good luck with that" I hear you think. Lolz. I'm still seeing signs of willingness to grow. Inside the house it's a nice 21°C so better than on the balcony.

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Wow! The rain stopped for a few hours so the girls are finally playing outside. I'm glad the pots didn't get drenched. We had so much rain the last few days.
We're two weeks and and a few days in so here's some pics for ya. You can see the plants are adapting well to the light mix potting soil mix with coco coir. Now for some serious sunlight!
Without further ado....

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That's 2 auto Glueberry OG, 3 auto Daiquiri limes, 1 auto Night Queen, 1 auto Cinderella Jack, and last and a little least the auto Compassion Lime. The auto Compassion Lime apparently didn't like the heat last week. But she's catching up with the rest since the temps dropped.
I gave the girls a light foliar feeding when they went inside a few days ago. House&Garden Magic Green and Aptus Nutrispray which is a Mn, Zn, Fe, and S supplement with a natural spreader. These two goodies complement each other nicely. I'll give them a little more next week or so when flowering commences.
Anyway, I've gotta go walkies with my livestock, my two Jack Russell's. TTYL!

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OK peeps! I've got a 3 week update for y'all. Please remember that the girls have had all kinds of extreme weather thrown at them. They've even had to spend two whole days on my windowsill. Poor kids! So here's the pics. Sorry for the quality of the pictures btw. My new Samsung S7edge is at the repair shop. These last pics are all done with my spare htc one m9. Lousy camera compared to the Samsung...

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That last pic is kinda worrying me. If anybody knows what the heck is going on with my Cinderella Jack....? I can't imagine any deficiency or even lockout because she's in the same soil/coir mix as the others. They're all doing nicely as expected for outdoors. I even checked extensively for crawly critters. Nothing! I haven't even watered them since transplanting them to their final containers. I always put all the girls inside during the colder nights. Damned alarm clock every morning! Lol!
As I'm kinda new to autofems any info would be greatly appreciated! Sharing one! [emoji111]️

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Just to be on the safe side I dunked another Auto Cinderella Jack in tapwater and a little H2O2. I really want to sample CJ. This seed will be 2 weeks later but what the hay? We've still got plenty of summer left!

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I hope she grows out of it Ken my guess would be critters but they're clean... She doesn't look too warped thankfully
I have a feeling she'll recuperate. I gave all of the girls a foliar spray with some fulvic acid last night. I'll shoot some pics later in the pending sun. It's overcast now. But they seem to enjoy the fulvic acid.

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Here's the pics I promised after a foliar spray with Fulvic acid. Nr1&2 are my Cinderella Jack. It seems she'll do better now. Nr 3 is Auto Compassion Lime catching up with the others. Nr 4&5 are Auto Glueberry OG. Nr 6 is Auto Night Queen. And the last 3 are the Auto Daiquiri Limes.

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