New Grower Kate's Grow Journal - 3 strains; Outdoor; first time growing

That makes sense @JMQ . I've been pouring the nutes and water right at the base and it had gotten on the plants...

I will probably pull the leaves off if they stay burnt like that
I used the Fish Mix all around the garden for the first time this year and have to rinse off or be really careful while applying it
Burnt the tops pf my carrots and did the same around the base of my autoflower plants with those smaller leaves
Need to update my journal but the one thing I would share that I have learned through my first grow was that in my grow medium I could have increased the nutes a bit and been safe
On my Think Different [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] about40 days old (guess) I have been adding a bit more Fish Mix during veg and it is a bit bigger than the other 2 I harvested so far
Trying to get that dark green lush look and I still feel mine are pale
First feeding in awhile since we've had so much rain and humidity which definitely cause havoc all over my garden (not just the refer :( my veggies suffered too)

Northern Lights has some random yellow on the leaves :

Big Bud looks the healthiest


AND the little guy is still alive
Great job Kate!!
Fun to see them flowering
Keep at it
you reward is coming
HIGH @Kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just curious how old the plant in the picture is. I know you said you just got your nutes, def on time cause that little babeh is hungreh!!! Staart out with a baby dose though! You got this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and if anyone wants a bubblegum auto ummmmmmm @mephisto's Hubbabubbasmelloscope is the most bubble gum auto on the planet. Literally everyone who grows it says its like opening up a pack of old hubbabubba bubblegum from when you were a kid!
I hope I can get these seeds then. I've been looking for one but the net lacks information on bubblegum. I tasted one recently from a friend of mine and it smelled like strawberry but taste like soap lol. I want the old school bubblegum, the one that made me say: wow is that even weed ? lol