Indoor Kalini Asia, Quick Caramel XL, Red Hot Cookies, Pineapple Express, Bubble Bomb, Quick Gorilla photo

More seeds
So just to add some more to my shitload of seeds .. here comes my prize for 3rd place in the sweet seeds xmas contest (on GD) :) its just more fun for the future in this thread :-D
edit: Im thinking about running some photos next. start them like month before harvest of this auto run. solocup, fim them. after something gets harvested Im gonna put them in 3,5l for like 2 weeks and lst the shit out of them . then when everything will be harvested just put them into 7,6 airpots and switch after a week. Should be able to end around end of may-ish this way, which is perfect as we need to renovate the living room a bit over the summer.
as for the strains :
Anesia - Sour Betty
Sweet Seeds - Red Hot Cookies 2x(or 1 if I get my hands on some different photo strain, that I didnt run already)
Bomb Seeds - Bubble Bomb
Edit2: so I got my hands on Zambeza photo Pineapple Express so that will be the last contestant as for the next, photo, run ;-)

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week 3
So 3rd week behind us ;)
girls got their first nutrients... I did broke one branch on the PP, but you can barely tell .. bushy grl ;)

BCN PP getting little lighter green, might up her next feed ... sex showed day 18
BCN PP day 21.jpg

Big Bazooka sex showed day 19
Big Bazooka day 21.jpg

Cherry Bomb sex showed day 19
cherry bomb day 20.jpg

Cookies day 20 mutated as hell, just look at that leaf. curious about her future shape ;) not showing sex yet
Cookies day 20 (1).jpg
Cookies day 20.jpg

Stardawg. she just doesnt like lst ;) she just doesnt want to get bent so I guess thats def not a slut :D sex showed day 17
StarDawg day 21.jpg

and all 5 girls ;)
all 5 day 21.jpg

stay safe :smokeout:
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Midweek pic aka day 24 ;-) Next watering Ill remove the humidifier and spread the girls more evenly with cookies mutant in the middle. I think that there will be some serious foliar coverage for the next update ;-)
In case someone wonders whats in the small cups on the right .. mini tomato, parsley and basil.
Back left - big bazooka
Back right - stardawg
Front left - bcn power plant
Front right - cherry bomb
And cookies front middle

week 4, day 28
Hello friends. Ill start with the group pic this time so the 3 days differences since the last pic are more visible. As for the grow itself everything going ok, maybe they are growig too much... Luckily cookies are still mutated af so she doesnt take much space .. otherwise Id be in troubles already :D
Stardawg slight N tox, but last week got water + soil booster only so hopefuly shell be alright next week.
Lets get into that ;)
all 5 day 28.jpg

BCN PP day 28 (2).jpg

BCN PP day 28 (1).jpg

Big Bazooka
Big Bazooka day 28 (2).jpg
Big Bazooka day 28 (1).jpg

Cherry Bomb
cherry bomb day 27 (2).jpg
cherry bomb day 27 (1).jpg

Cookies day 27 (1).jpg

StarDawg day 28 (2).jpg
StarDawg day 28 (1).jpg

and as always, stay safe :smokeout:
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week 5 day 35
hi there ;) week 5 behind us so we are in aprox. half of this cycle.
everything good. tent full.
stardawg sprinting to the finish, big bazooka trying to keep up, but shes a bit slower, although still pretty fast flowering ;)
cherry and bcn pp finally started to do something that is looking like pre-buds material ;)
cookies starts looking better, and shes also finaly in the flower mode.
smell is already overwhelming when opening the tent, luckily new filter is doing great job :)
girls are about 40 cm high.
and as always, stay safe friends. :smokeout:

BCN PP day 35 (1).jpg
BCN PP day 35 (2).jpg

Big Bazooka
Big Bazooka day 35 (1).jpg
Big Bazooka day 35 (2).jpg

Cherry Bomb
cherry bomb day 34 (2).jpg
cherry bomb day 34 (1).jpg

Cookies day 34 (1).jpg
Cookies day 34 (2).jpg

StarDawg day 35 (2).jpg
StarDawg day 35 (1).jpg

and as usual, all girls together.
all 5 day 35.jpg
week 6 day 42
week 6 behind us
running out of vertical space for the cherry and bcn pp. I just hope they wont stretch like the last week and the main stretch will be behind us. I can raise the lamp only one more time by 5-7 cm so fingers crossed ;)
did small defoliation and took away few smaller lower branches on all girls. but you can hardly tell.
till next time ;)
stay safe :smokeout:

BCN PP day 42 (1).jpg
BCN PP day 42 (2).jpg

Big Bazooka
Big Bazooka day 42 (2).jpg
Big Bazooka day 42 (1).jpg

Cherry Bomb
cherry bomb day 41 (1).jpg
cherry bomb day 41 (2).jpg

Cookies day 41 (1).jpg
Cookies day 41 (2).jpg

StarDawg day 42 (2).jpg
StarDawg day 42 (1).jpg

and family pic ;)
all 5 day 42.jpg
I wont have much time during next weeks, so just a group pic day earlier then usual update. Day 48.
Bcn pp 26cm from the quantumboard, not cool. Humidity 30%, not cool. Cherry bomb ultra bushy, so cool ;-) bazooka smell ? Ultra cool. Like purple lemonade from fb just a lil bit more lemony.
Edit: oh yeah, and I will never run fifth plant with my classic 4x 7.6l airpots again in this space. Fuck me... :doh:

Deficiencies are here but it probably will get worse. I wont go into specific details, but piece of advice .. dont water girls when drunk af... :deadhorse: I thought that they wont even get out of that ..

And last seeds arrived so itstime to update the list ;-)


stay safe :smokeout:
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Day 53
Stardawg started to frost up nicely. Probably will go down at around day 65, will see.....

Bcn pp aka hairy chick ;-)
They look great bro keep up the good work broth, wondering about that stardawg looks very nice and have heard great things.
Thx bro ;-) last time it tasted excellent, such a weird taste for me being more floral/fruity taste guy.. but def interesting enough ;-) Im just probably not lucky with this strain because it seems that its too sensitive for my "punk" style growing. At least this pheno.. Ntox from the start even when still on plain water few mistakes there and there and now You can choose from variety of deficiencies ;-) but running to the finish fast, packing weight (although my guess is 35g max from her) and frostiness.. and I need more space for cherry and bcn pp anyway so fits the plan ;-) I must say that the smell is really something different .. never smelled something that toxic, I def understand the chem part now, its almost like when some type of bug defends itself with smelly fluids .. such a weird smell.
Oh yeah and other thing I never experienced, shes always praying, day, night, morning, evening, watered or dry, ntoxed or underfed .. always praying in almost perfect vertical straight line ..

Big bazooka on the other hand .. ultra sweet bubbly drink smell, intoxicating....
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