Captains Vape-4/21/17- Here are a few pics, the Green Poison and Frisian Duck are @ 56 days.The LSD,Acapulco Gold,Green Crack,SKunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and Aurora Indica are 50. The shining star of this grow I think is going to be the Aurora Indica she is massive and is going to have a ton of bud, the Green Poison is going to finish first and already has some huge flowers and thick tri's they all are looking fantastic really.... EXCEPT for the Frisian Duck which I have had a problem with since she came up... her leafs are absolutely huge and mutated funky lookin which I know is normal for the strain, but she also has some sort of deficiency as there are weird discolorations and brown/yellow spots on ALOT of her fans. I went ahead and put her in the gorilla under the kind and pulled her down a bit she is almost 4 foot tall, I am going to just let her go and up the Cal-Mag from 1TSP to 1TBS, I also have a 4x2 mars tent on the way for my closet after this is done going back to a full closet setup,so I can move back into my room... Much love guys!
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As always looking great in your brother, hope you are keeping as healthy as your girls are looking :pass::slap:
Thanks man, the Vape is keeping me cool :D, Dude the Aurora Indica has blown up, next time I feed I will take a pic of her out of the tent. She is over 3 foot tall with HUGE maters... They all are doing great EXCEPT for the Frisian Duck she is doing so bad that I had to take her out of the big tent because I was afraid she was going to hermie and get her dust on the rest of the gals and we cannot have that lol. I do not think she will hermie tho definitely under stress, almost all of her leafs have turned spotted and yellow, her buds are very airy and just not big. I am going to just go ahead and let her grow tho just to see what the end result will be, but the other 6 are doing damn fantastic, The 6 I have in the big tent are Sweet Seeds Green Poison,Humboldt Seeds Green Crack,SeedsMan Skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG],Barneys LSD,Nirvana Aurora Indica & Barneys Acapulco Gold :D. I just got a 4x2 mars tent that fits perfect into the closet I have in my bedroom so after this grow is over I am going to slow the pace down to 2 plants at a time, if nothing goes wrong this run I will be set with a huge supply and variety of medication, I have 7 2 liter Cvaults with enough boveda to keep the moon at 62% so I will have time to chill and do more relaxed and fun grows :D, Cheers Spang:vibe:
That is great bro, i am truly happy to hear the vape is working well and keeping you healthy ;) ;) ;)

Reckon you will be good for meds for a long while by the sounds it even with the slightly underperforming Frisian Duck, i have been having a similar problem on two of my girls that i put down to the abuse of leaving then 10 day with yellowing fan leaves (mainly lowers), twisted lower new growth, largish sized blotches (bigger than Calcium def spots) and small airy buds. After reading and playing with liquid feeds i reckon i have nailed it as a P def, as many of the symptoms matched and since adding higher PK feeds to what they were getting, leaves have stopped tapping out no where near as fast and buds have started to bulk up a bit and hopefully will more before they are done.
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Captains Vape-4/29/17- Well this is the last BIG entry I will do until I harvest the girls, The Green Poison & Frisian Duck are 64 days. The LSD,Acapulco Gold,Aurora Indica,Green Crack and Skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] are 58, all have been in flower for 29 days. The Frisian Duck has some sort of deficiency all of her leafs are yellow and fallin off she is growing still and looks really thrashed in her pic because she really needed a drink :( Her buds are airy and small, I do not think it is going to hurt me any assuming the rest of the gals keep going in the good direction that they are :D. I am not looking to get much out of The Duck but I have her in the little gorilla tent by her self so I am just going to let her go.. it cannot hurt anything, all the other girls are doing wonderful.. I am blessed with 6 healthy gals! I am going to go ahead and do 10 pics this will be the best entry picture wise for this grow that I have done.. I hope you guys enjoy... Much LuV!



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@Spanglish ,Thanks man.. I do not know what is wrong with the FD, she looked like she had some sort of def from like day 20 or 30 and just could not get right again. She will still have some fruit none the less BUT the other gals are fat and hearty lol.. come chop day I am going to have my hands full for about a week :D
Captains Vape-5/9/17- Well its been a minute since I updated, the gals are rounding out and it is turning fall in the tent.... They all have been in flower for 39 days or 5 and 1/2 weeks, and really I could harvest The Green Poison she smells like grape and skunk and she has the FUNK, I checked her tri's and the amber greatly outweigh the cloudy and there are damn near no clear ones... Sweet Seeds recommends 49 days or 7 weeks so really it is not that far fetched to say she is done. Today is feed day and here are a few pics with my Vaporizers & a random Hygrometer I found lol, Cheers guys... I also have decided to let the Poison go at least another week then she is comin down!


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