Old Reviews Just bought some...

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we drove from here to Oceanside Ca. and that was a 5oz trip there and back...so i would say Ca is about a 2 1/2 oz trip...hahahaha

dont go now where w/out my dope!
I seen that at the hydro shop the other day and was thinkin about trying it out. Let me know what you think of it.
Me, looking fuzzy?! Haaa! It's the camera!! Squinted to read the ingredients....surprised the first was perlite, then peat and other forest products (does that mean rabbit dink?!). Mixture sounds great for a plant. Much luck and heighth, breadth on your new grow!
Hey TBM...

they had only one bag, im going there today to make sure they get more in for me...they also had the Rain Forrest mix but that just sounds wet.

---------- Post added 11-30-2011 at 09:15 AM ----------

@desertnance, not sure bout the rabbit droppings...
I ordered a mix once and it came as a pack of seeds with no identification as to what each seed was. I'm a big labeling freak and I love to know what I am growing just in case I really like it and want to get some more of the same thing. Just a question. Doesn't it bother you growing a mix and not knowing what you are growing? I always thought the mix sounds like fun but how much extra would it really cost to put them in those little coke bags and label them. I would buy them then.
Sometimes I am just so dumb. Thanks Buddha for pointing it out.

Nelson - this is a potting mix not a mix bag of seed.
Of course you could grow a mix bag of seed in the potting mix! :D
I have this bag of pot hanging around that I couldn't identify as my wicked carefull organisation hit the crapper again. I just had to try it before it was Christmas present time. Didn't know how you could tell that from my post but you nailed it.

I just figured you were enjoying some of that good stuff! Hahaha!
I don't know about funny but I do know about stoned.
I just have been so stoned the last month I can't even remember what I am supposed to eat for breakfast when I get up. We need a much milder old- timer pot. This new stuff is way too deadly for an old geezer like me.

@ Nelson...hahahha!..:smokebuds:...you so funny...:crying: