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I feel ya GrowBro, I break out my daughter telescope and me and her still out back (over 2 acres from house and away from any light source) and I have been teaching her how to use the telescope. My only problem is I walk away cause I ideally sneak a bowl toke. She gets mad, but I tell her I had to go see if Coyotes are around, lol
I hear having a telescope in the city isn't so bad either....:pass:
The hell with Insta, that shits for rocket scientists.
I am getting there, lol. Just gotta get used to the layout and how to do stuff, but getting a little better, lol

Want to use it to get updates and stuff from companies. And see how others not in forums/ or they might be, are growing.
what's the telescope look like?? then I can tell you what the maximum magnification will be.View attachment 1070436
This is the 1 I have. Had it for few years never used before lol.

all scopes have theoretical limits on magnification. when an inexpensive scope tell you that it has 450x it's pure bullshit. you have an Newtonian reflector on an equatorial mount.
seeing conditions can be 1 to 10 your six or eight inch reflector? not sure?
. on most nights will work up to 200x at best. on a night that the sky is a ten, maybe three hundred x. at best.:pass: that 3x barlow is just about useless. a throw away . sorry to say.:cheers: the best eyepiece for that scope is the 20mm you have. the four mm only on nights when the sky is 9 or 10. what you need is an eyepiece in the 10 to 12 mm range. forget using that barlow, you will see nothing but a blurr. my scope is also on an German equatorial mount but it is computer driven. with a 40.000 object database.
an automatic go to. :smokeout:
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