New Grower Jumper's Third Grow : Mephisto 4 way with 500W QB

Day 60

GWK - dialled the nutes down to 0.8EC. Annoyed with the tip burn!

gwk - day 60 2-j.jpg

gwk - day 60-j.jpg

gwk - day 60 3-j.jpg

CDLC - looking nice. Weeks behind GWK

cdlc - day 60-j.jpg

cdlc - day 60 2-j.jpg

Fugue - day 21 - more LST to keep her in shape

fugue - day 21-j.jpg

HBBS - day 14

hbbs - day 14-j.jpg
Fugue and HBBS do grow very vigorously, they are looking very good.

I was meant to ask you but keep forgetting, I will do as you advise to dial down the nutes, but do you dial down the CalMag as well? The CalMag I have got which said on the bottle of 2ml/L, do I follow or back down a bit? I got the EC pen and will start using it tomorrow, have to get used to, difficult to teach an old dog new trick,lol
Thanks!!! HBBS is the one I am looking forward to!

Cal/Mag - Depends on what your background is? Not everybody needs cal/mag at the beginning.

I use RO water so raise to 0.3 regardless of instructions. Otherwise o cannot buffer the water.
Day 61

GWK - gave her some OverDrive mixed to 0.8EC. Between one and two weeks left before flush

gwk - day 61.JPG

CDLC - 1.1 EC

cdlc  - day 61.JPG

Fugue State - Day 22. Just started pre-flower, showing sex :-) Lots of LST daily to keep her under control. She is on her own 25 lt reservoir at 0.7EC. GWK is giving me space issues!

fugue - day 22.JPG

HBBS - Day 15. 0.6EC. Gave her a good tie down again today

hbbs - day 15.JPG
Day 64

recovering after her nute burn. Damn damn damn. Cosmetic mainly but bah!

Some amber starting to show.

gwk - day 64.JPG

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This girl is starting to smell lovely. She will take her own merry time!

cdlc - day 64.JPG

Fugue State - day 24. Holly sh!t, this girl is growing. Daily LST to keep her in shape.

fugue - day 24.JPG

HBBS - day 18. Growing nicely and a nice structure developing.

hbbs - day 18.JPG

Germinating an Orange Diesel to replace GWK.
Day 65

Getting to the business end of this grow now. The smell in the tent is delightful, not like the Sour Livers dank! Fruity! Pleasant!

GWK is swelling rapidly. Glad she is over her nute burn. (Still pissed with myself)

The leaves are ridiculously sticky with resin. The buds feel dense to the push and go all the way down her. 100grams I reckon ?

I don't think she will go much longer. Holding out as long as possible before flush. (10% amber)

EC 0.75

gwk - day 65.JPG

CDLC - day 65. EC 1.1 / 1.2 Lagging GWK. Looks like Sour Livers to me!

cdlc - day 65.JPG

Fugue State - day 25. Keep pulling her out from under CDLC. I am a little out of room! LST for her tomorrow. EC 0.7

fugue - day 25.JPG

Holding up the rear is the not so small HBBS, day 19. Really does need LST and a light defol. EC 0.6

hbbs - day 19.JPG
Thanks TW !!

I think I will add the second QB at the weekend and try and push them hard to the end .

Still using the oil filled heater as it has been cold.

Guaranteed the weather improves dramatically if I do add another 260W board!

It will be a fiddly job ... best done in an empty tent! Doh
Day 66

GWK is now on reduced nutes at 6.1. She will be on full water by the end of Sunday. Amber'ing up nicely and will be ready for the chop in 5-10 days.

gwk - day 66.JPG

CDLC is really drinking heavily at the moment. Up'd her feed accordingly. At 1.1 EC at 6.0. Frosting up really well now. Very happy with her.

cdlc - day 66.JPG

cdlc - day 66 2.JPG

Fugue State - day 26. This young lady is ridiculously wide. Worried for the stretch to come soon!!! Very slight tip burn, so reduced her feed down to 0.6 EC at 6.0

fugue - day 26 .JPG

HBBS - day 20. You can just make out her thick branches. Training is going well. May defol a couple of larger fan leaves tomorrow. EC 0.6

hbbs - day 20.JPG