New Grower Jumper's Third Grow : Mephisto 4 way with 500W QB

Day 107

The tent is plodding on nicely. Not much to report.

Fugue State is getting massive. EC still low at 0.63. PH 5.9. Reckon another 5 days still before flush. Day 67. Beautiful girl non the less

fugue - day 67.JPG

HBBS, day 60. The ugly duckling but putting on nice mass. EC 0.7. PH 6.0

hbbs - day 60.JPG

Orange Diesel, day 37. Lots of pistils, no pom-poms :( EC 0.6, PH 6.0. Lots of defoliation and heavy LST. She is seriously wide!

od - day 37.JPG

Toof Decay, day 10. New growth post topping. Seedling mix @ EC 0.3, PH 6.2

toof decay - day 10.JPG

Finally Blue Microverse and White Widow, day 4. RH 58%, Temps 27-29. Under QB @ 25W

Day 108

Fugue State, day 68. EC 0.63. PH 5.9. Check trichs and all cloudy. Not long, but still lots of white pistils

fugue - day 68.JPG

HBBS, day 61. One or two amber trichs, but still white pistils. 5 more days perhaps. EC 0.68. PH 5.9

hbbs - day 61.JPG

Orange Diesel, day 38. EC 0.60. PH 6.0. Stretching, with lots of pistils. Still now ppom-poms

od - day 38.JPG

Toof Decay, day 11.

toof decay - day 11.JPG

Blue Microverse, day 3

bm - day 3.JPG

White Widow, day 3

ww-day 3.JPG
Day 124

Hey AFN'ers. Good to be back.

Busy in the groom, with quite a few girls at different stages.

Fugue State, day 84. She is day 9 of flush

fugue state - day 84.JPG

HBBS. day 77. EC 0.6. Not long till flush

hbbs - day 77.JPG

Orange Diesel, day 54. EC 0.5. PH 5.9

od - day 54.JPG

Toof Decay, day 25. EC 0.4.

toof decay - day 25.JPG

Blue Microverse, day 18. EC 0.4. PH 5.8

bm - day 18.JPG

White Widow, day 18. EC 0.4. PH 5.9

ww - day 18.JPG

Blueberry Treacle, day 10. Just topped

bt - day 10.JPG

Sour Crack, day 5

sc - day 5.JPG

Sour Crack 2, day 3

sour crack 2 - day 3.JPG
So this diary is pretty much done.

Fugue State came down 2 weeks ago, day 85. She is now curing. 252g. My best yield to date.


HBBS, day 89, came down Thursday. She is currenltly drying.

potm - hbbs.JPG

hbbs buds - day 88 .JPG