New Grower Jumper's Third Grow : Mephisto 4 way with 500W QB

Day 72

GWK has finally come down, and is up drying. She smelt so much, sorry for the crap final photos! Easily 100g looking how the drying tent is near full! A really kushy smell with some terpentine and grape hints. The buds all the way to the base were the densest yet. No fluff whatsoever. This is in part to her open structure.

It has made me weary of over LSTing like I have done with CDLC. I think too many colas mean the buds are packed a little tight and do not get enough light far down.

gwk - last day 72.JPG

gwk - last day 72 2.JPG

CDLC appreciates the extra space. EC 1.1

cdlc - day 72.JPG

Fugue State, day 32. Stretching like mad.

fugue state - day 32.JPG

HBBS, day 26. No flower yet.

hbbs - day 26.JPG

Orange Diesel, day 2

od  - day 2.JPG
Last edited:
Day 73

CDLC is fattening up nicely now. E.C. 1.1

cdlcd - day 73.JPG

Fugue State, day 33. Bigger than CDLC now

fugue - day 33.JPG

HBBS, day 27. Starting to show sex. Whoop! 0.7EC.

The irrigation pump batteries had died, and she was extremely light this morning. Fortunately moisture monitors informed me. Issue resolved.

hbbs - day 27.JPG

OD, day 3. EC 0.4

od - day 3.JPG
Day 75

All pretty quiet

CDLC, swelling nicely, EC 1.1, Really frosty.

cdlc - day 75.JPG

Fugue State, day 35. EC 0.55. Very green even at such a low EC.

fugue - day 35.JPG

HBBS, day 29. She loves nutes. EC 0.8. I may up to 0.9 next feed

hbbs - day 29.JPG

Lastly, OD, day 5, EC 0.4

od - day 5.JPG
Day 76

CDLC is all cloudy pretty much. Reckon another week and then a 10 day flush.

trichs cdlc - day 76.JPG

trichs cdlc day 76 2.JPG

trichs cdlc - day 76 3.JPG

cdlc - day 76.JPG

Fugue State, day 36. Still stretching

fugue - day 36.JPG

HBBS, day 30, racing Fugue

hbbs - day 30.JPG

OD, day 6

od - day 6.JPG

GWK is down and in jars cure. Weighed in at 91 grams of dense bud. Not too shabby.
Day 77

CDLC is swelling by the day. Cannot be too long now.

cdldc - day 77.JPG

Fugue State, day 37 looks like her stretch is finally over

fugue - day 37.JPG

HBBS is full on stretch mode now, day 31

hbbs - day 31.JPG

Orange Diesel, day 6

od - day 7.JPG
nice haul bro :pass:

plants look great, you’ll like that CDLC, strong stuff.