New Grower Jumpers New Grow : Sour Livers, Fastberry, White Crack under Invisible Sun Pro Kit

Aug 21, 2018
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Following on from my first grow :- First Proper Grow : 6 Autos I am now ready to go again.

This time, I plan to focus on 4 plants only.

Seeds were put in damp kitchen towel 04/01/19.

As before, the tent is outside. It has been insulated and covered with a wooden frame and weatherproofed. I am blown away by how good the Rhino Fan controller is, the ventilation is silent.

1 x tent 1.2 x 0.6 x 1.5
1 x 6" Rhino Pro Fan connected to Rhino Carbon Filter
1 x 6" Muffler with backup Rhino Carbon Filter attached at the output end
1 x 4" Rhino Pro Fan for input
1 x Rhino Temperature Fan Controller
1 x Invisible Sun 265W Kit
1 x Oil Filed Heater
1 x Humidifier
1 x Dehumidifier
1 x Temperature and Humidity Controllers
2 x Irrigation Pumps
1 x Air pump with Airstone
pH meter
EC meter
RO 4 stage unit

numerous clip on fans

I will be growing in coco, at a ratio of 1 part perlite to 3 parts coco coir.


sour livers.jpg



Right side

right side.jpg






seedlings 2.jpg



Currently being fed at EC 0.4 at a pH of 5.7 - 5.9

Too pale do you think? Less is more right ? :)

Feed is canna a+b 4ml per 5l
Solar Green Power 2.5ml per 5l
Canna Rhizotonic 10ml per 5l

The girls are drip fed every 2 hours ~ 20 ml.

I am waiting on a few bits before I build an auto drainage system.
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Topped the two Sour Livers and the Fastberry this morning.

White crack being a few days behind will be topped shortly.


These girls are squat - most likely due to the Invisible Sun kit being run at full pelt.

Despite temps hitting -5 overnight, the swing in temperature in the groom is low 23.8 - 25.0. RH 45 - 58 (runs out overnight - to be automated shortly)
I topped the white crack this morning, bottom left.

The other three girls, topped yesterday, are showing no signs of stress.

The sour livers, back right seems to have doubled in size over night!

All quiet.

Tried to install an auto top off to the humidifier - turns out they work under pressure - doh!

New larger unit arrived this morning and is doing a good job.

The sour livers, right, seem to have slightly different characteristics. The bottom one has mottled leaves. The White Crack seems to be catching up.

The Fastberry, back right seems slow compared to the Mephisto girls.

Day 15 above ground

The topped stems are starting to push on now


Back Left to Front Right :- Fastberry, Sour Liver, (Front Left), White Crack, Sour Livers

Ec 0.6, pH 5.8

Feed :-
Canna cal-mag 0.5 ml / 1 ltr
Canna A + B 0.75ml / 1 ltr
Canna Rhizotonic 2ml / 1ltr
Buddhas Tree Solar Green 0.5 ml / 1ltr
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Looks like a little LST will required tomorrow :)

The White Crack seems to be showing some a very light magnesium deficiency. I have upped the pH to her following a flush with 6.0 RO water.

The fast berry really does look a runt versus the other girls.

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