Outdoor Jravens Alaska Summer 2020

Hey smokey, things going ok here. We had some heavy weather the other day that caused damage around the region but we did ok. So far it's mostly above freezing so that's nice...lots of wind and rain though. I'm pretty sure I have enough weed to see me through:d5:. I just checked out your update, the plants look great. Looks like some good med strains, they'll help with the back pain:thumbsup:
Here's my skiff the other day, got overwhelmed by the rain and waves:yoinks:
Hey Jraven ! :toke: Good to see the better weather in the morning photo that was prety intense your poor skiff was water logged, you area wasnt so badly damaged the range here protects us from storms. :d5: Good idea i remember you saying its better to have excess weed than to run out, though i liked the excuse to get to Nimbin. - place i recommend for a weed holiday. Thanks Bro, i really like the Harlequin, she is really good i been dosed up on her, no back pain anymore, but i am taking it slow till i can go back to normal running the girls around in there SUC (steel utility cart - lol like a suv). It has been very dry here and recently a very humid spell with just drizzle
Hey Jraven ! :toke: Good to see the better weather in the morning photo that was prety intense your poor skiff was water logged, you area wasnt so badly damaged the range here protects us from storms. :d5: Good idea i remember you saying its better to have excess weed than to run out, though i liked the excuse to get to Nimbin. - place i recommend for a weed holiday. Thanks Bro, i really like the Harlequin, she is really good i been dosed up on her, no back pain anymore, but i am taking it slow till i can go back to normal running the girls around in there SUC (steel utility cart - lol like a suv). It has been very dry here and recently a very humid spell with just drizzle
It's the first time in 30+ years we've been here that the waves were like that on our beach so hopefully it was a fluke lol. Take it easy on your back for sure you don't want to mess it up like I've done with mine:crying:
It's the first time in 30+ years we've been here that the waves were like that on our beach so hopefully it was a fluke lol. Take it easy on your back for sure you don't want to mess it up like I've done with mine:crying:
Thats bad to hear about your back Jraven, :pass: i will take your advice there, doing little things about not lifting till rested a bit more, and my brothers showed me how to lift i was twisting and putting the girls on the carts. That sounds like a rare event for your area so i am pretty sure you wont see the likes of it too soon again, lol i like that crazy Christmas Storm i will remember it as it was my first ever grow and taste of weed in a long time, 4 days no power. I still remember the poor trees went back and forth side ways, no damage they stood their ground but many down around the area, i think they are like flukes, due to the rarity
Thats bad to hear about your back Jraven, :pass: i will take your advice there, doing little things about not lifting till rested a bit more, and my brothers showed me how to lift i was twisting and putting the girls on the carts. That sounds like a rare event for your area so i am pretty sure you wont see the likes of it too soon again, lol i like that crazy Christmas Storm i will remember it as it was my first ever grow and taste of weed in a long time, 4 days no power. I still remember the poor trees went back and forth side ways, no damage they stood their ground but many down around the area, i think they are like flukes, due to the rarity
At least now I'm old enough that I can usually talk someone into doing some of the heavy lifting :smoking: I know it's not going to be what kills me anyway so I don't worry about it too much. But I also figured out how to do things carefully mostly. I'm know lots of folks have it worse than me:sad:
At least now I'm old enough that I can usually talk someone into doing some of the heavy lifting :smoking: I know it's not going to be what kills me anyway so I don't worry about it too much. But I also figured out how to do things carefully mostly. I'm know lots of folks have it worse than me:sad:
hey Jraven ! :pass: Thats good i got my brothers lifting the girls in their 35L pots :woohoo1:I only doing the small babies atm, and few light duties. Canna is there for back pain:hookah: Yes true always someone worse off :(, it just makes you more careful like you said i know will be from now on.

Hot one here today, dry and hot, poor creek looks bad with just tiny pools of water
How's it going Jraven? I had just yesterday found your thread and checked it out... Some beautiful plants you grew out this year. Tons of beautiful pics again as always, makes me miss being up their. Congrats on the new boat also.
How's it going Jraven? I had just yesterday found your thread and checked it out... Some beautiful plants you grew out this year. Tons of beautiful pics again as always, makes me miss being up their. Congrats on the new boat also.
Hey Jean-O :toke:Thanks for checking out the thread buddy. The weather is terrible here this past week or so lol but that's normal, we're pretty much settled in for the winter.
Its been all over the map here in Michigan so far very normal also. Im ready for the snow though, the sooner it starts the sooner spring and the new grow season can get here ya know... The gardens were pretty decent for me this year but the fruits and veggies were not the best tasting and my fruit trees didn't do very good at all this year tomatoes were very bitter for some reason but my peppers did good. I hope the winter is an easy one on ya...
Its been all over the map here in Michigan so far very normal also. Im ready for the snow though, the sooner it starts the sooner spring and the new grow season can get here ya know... The gardens were pretty decent for me this year but the fruits and veggies were not the best tasting and my fruit trees didn't do very good at all this year tomatoes were very bitter for some reason but my peppers did good. I hope the winter is an easy one on ya...
Was a lousy year for gardening here outside but we do the tomatoes in the solarium and they did fine. We usually have lots of leafy greens but this season a lot of of them just sort of melted lol. I agree, bring on the winter and before we know it will be time to start digging:pass:
:pighug: J-ray, I hope all well's matey! :smokeout:

Whoa, you got some damn surf didn't you! :doh: Was that from a local storm? 30 years and that's a first, makes you wonder (along with all the rest of the anomalous shit happening!), huh? :eek1: ....

How's your stash shaping up with some cure time in now? Do you like the Anvil cross? *silly question I know*
I finally heard from FD the other day in PM! Busy guy, took a wee break from here too.... I pestered him for an update on his current genetics workings! :eyebrows: