Dinafem Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results

Okay I have an addition to this grow today it is my CBD haze that has just popped up above the surface and another photo of the industrial plant CBD. I am seeing a little bit stuff going on with the leaves on the industrial plant but honestly I'm very happy with the way she looks.


All about the CBD.
Hey-o, I'll be a watchin' with great interest, plan on trying a CBD strain next Spring meself.
The Haze, is that the Skunk Haze?
All about the CBD.
Hey-o, I'll be a watchin' with great interest, plan on trying a CBD strain next Spring meself.
The Haze, is that the Skunk Haze?
Welcome olderthandirt

The Haze is the cbd haze, I believe it's 1:2 ratio where the 2 is thc. I'll be trying different tinctures, extractions, etc
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Subbed in jingo and even ticked off email alerts for this thread. Im awhile out before i start up again so ill be lurking round. Question from ur last thread....are u using the pails for curing cause of the amount.....thats alot of work for glass jars. Does the weight of it kinda seal moisture in, in the middle and bottom so everytime u take it out it has to be seperated??
Subbed in jingo and even ticked off email alerts for this thread. Im awhile out before i start up again so ill be lurking round. Question from ur last thread....are u using the pails for curing cause of the amount.....thats alot of work for glass jars. Does the weight of it kinda seal moisture in, in the middle and bottom so everytime u take it out it has to be seperated??
Yeah I'm really unhappy if I don't have a big enough harvest to cure in a bucket. If I get a half pounds to 12 ounces I'll use a three and a half gallon bucket. Or if I get up 1 pound plant I'd like to go with the 5 gallon. The lids I have have rubber seals o-Rings actually. If I put a little weight down on the bucket well enough without actually having to type.

I always open the bucket take out the humidistat and then shake the contents around. With good dense budd it kind of rounds then out to a nice shape and I like to trim loose so any of that sweet leaves that break off protect most of bud till the end.

Then I only keep about four ounces a plant at most so I pick only the real nice buds for smoke.
Cool, i only had that kinda harvest on a jack herrer photo one yr but did glass jars. Took a week to trim her. Was 3 plus pounds before she dried out. If only i knew..........Havent been anywhere close since. Amazing job man.
Okay, I'm back and I've had a couple issues. I wasn't entirely liking the way the leave's of my IP CBD were looking. Which I had been keeping an eye on and yesterday I spotted a root aphid.

So I went down to Home Depot and made two employees and a manager dig for an hour to find me some mosquito bits to put into my waste Reservoir. Then I got to looking around and I found out spinasod preparations have come down in price quite a bit. So I decided to feed my plants with spinosad and a little bit weaker nutrients. As well as putting in my normal protective procedures like pebbles on top of Coco.

I can't really read the expiration date on my spinosad but it's about 3 years old and it's been open it was still good last year. I'm just going to use it all up in my nutrient mix over the next week or two and if I don't see any fliers and the plants look healthy all consider things done.

If that doesn't take care of things I'll do one sm-90 root drench and another neem oil about 3-4 days apart.

My humidity also dropped to 20 yesterday and if you're fighting root aphids that's not a good thing so I went ahead and pulled out my humidifier and got it going. 9 gallons of water doesn't last a 24 hour. But at least it keeps my humidity above 40%. I never worried about it at all with photos but with these Autos I just can't abide.




I've been doing some significant defoliation to slow down the top and allow the branches to come out of it and it looks like it's working ok.



My plan here would be to start another industrial plant CBD. But, I'm unwilling to do that as long as I'm uncertain on the root aphids and I need to start a completely new grow by December 1st.

So I will either have this sorted and start my grow on time or I will bin my plants and start over. My next gro is going to be fastbud seeds and it's a sponsored grow so I'm not going to Showcase their seads with root aphids.
I have two IPCBD Haze auto plants going now for a repro. These girls get quite large, more like a true sem-auto.
