Jedi Healer - New Strain Project By Anthropolis For PTSD

Lego Stormtroopers making an inspection...
Med Gom girl started lightly flowering recently, so today she got the first blast of STS spray for reversal. Darn thing is mega bushy and dense, not to mention short lol. The tight node spacing is nice, and it's hard to tell in the pics but the branching is above adequate too.
What kind/ratio of sts solution you use and how may time you want to use sts?
I'm using an easy recipe, with the two primary chems sourced from ebay. The ratio is 1:2 STS to distilled water which is about the strongest you wanna go according to that recipe. I'll see if I can find the link again to the recipe, I printed it out long ago.

Edit: here it is: I followed it exactly and it did work on two branches I tried on other plants :)

Edit 2 lol: Oh, as to how often, well idk it depends how tough the strain is to reverse apparently lol. But two or three times, over a few weeks, seems to be about the standard agreement. It's strong stuff, doesn't need constant application like Tiresias Mist. But, some users have sprayed daily supposedly without much problem.
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Hello friends, well I'm still working on reversing the Med Gom CBD auto. It's not going so well lol, just doesn't want to reverse so far. Truthfully I need a good high cbd auto male... But with no connections I highly doubt that will happen lol. So, I'm going to buy a few more packs (when I can get up the money) of the CBD Crew Med Gom 1.0 because I really have faith in the strain, and keep trying to reverse them. I do not think it's an issue with my STS mixture, as it reversed many branches on several other plants, but I may go back to Tiresias Mist for the next trial.

Just saying what's up and that the project is still going ahead, just not as well as hoped but that is life :) It's money pretty much haha. Then again, isn't it always lol.

Have faith friends! While waiting for more Med Gom girls, I might drop one of the Skywalker Kush's so I can get some feelings for how it grows and start looking at traits. It'll give us some much needed eye candy and motivation up in here too lol.

Peace and love.
Hi Jedi

I use some similar recies to that from your link and its works but only when it was fresh and not on every strain. Some time ago Iv try recepies similar to that one on forum (link below) and it works beter. Now i try same reciepies lin that one in my link and it works really good. You should try that ratio from link it really workse better.
Still working on this! Here's the CBD Med Gom 1.0 I'm still trying to reverse for the Jedi Healer project, she's a great plant but the reversing hasn't taken yet. As you can clearly see, it's been fairly burned by the Silver Thiosulfate solution trying to make pollen, but it has plenty of green and I'm feeding her well.


If you're wondering, it's wet with another dose of STS spray. This beyotch doesn't want to turn!

I think the pollen pods are coming soon, as the pistils have finally receded and the calyxes have distorted slightly like they do right before building the banana shaped pods.

I did just germinate one Reserva Privada Skywalker Kush to run here in the Jedi Healer thread so we can have some eye candy and see how she runs. So Anthropolis will have a nice big photoperiod plant for the tent soon hopefully lol. It's just about to pop above the soil probably tomorrow.

Depending on space, I might suspend my "main grow" over in the "perpetual" thread while running a photoperiod. But I might be able to squeeze a few grams out of four autos in the four tent corners while running 12/12 light schedule. :) Worth the four seeds maybe? I've got the beans to do it.