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Dapping is fun lol They see you and it's game over before it begins. I know where you can watch 3 foot long browns eat spawning kokanee, epic small water sight seeing, no fishing though!!!! 43.722889, -121.793775

That would be super cool to see!! Love the brown trout!! Around here they are the toughest of the trout species to catch(we have rainbows, browns, brook trout, splake, lake trout, and extremely rare aurora trout), brown are very wary!! Most arent very big(caught many in the 16-20" size) at least in the small local rivers i like to fish. I did get a monster brown once in a great lakes river though that measured 34".
He does anatomically correct fish art. The Aurora sound like the Golden trout down here. Not many in Oregon but some in the wilderness areas far Northeast. California has some amazing golden specimens, but you have to hike way in to find the really pure ones. Sounds pretty rad really. I would love to go to Mexico as well as it has an extremely isolated Golden Trout strain and Taiwan has some very unique rainbow trout genetics at high elevation. I just always feel guilty traveling because of the emissions.
He does anatomically correct fish art. The Aurora sound like the Golden trout down here. Not many in Oregon but some in the wilderness areas far Northeast. California has some amazing golden specimens, but you have to hike way in to find the really pure ones. Sounds pretty rad really. I would love to go to Mexico as well as it has an extremely isolated Golden Trout strain and Taiwan has some very unique rainbow trout genetics at high elevation. I just always feel guilty traveling because of the emissions.



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