New Grower Jack herer, mainly outdoor af winter grow

Day 11. As one had been late sprouting I moved that to a bigger pot, that way I could check the roots.
was good but not full yet so thought I’d leave the other two for a couple of days. Going in 3 litre pots but if need to I can cut them open and put them into 7 litre ones
bought some nutes jungle juice grow.for six quid I can’t complain as autos I’ll use very sparingly and only a few weeks.
the other two as you can see have more growth.
also my dishwasher has just packed in and thinking of doing a micro grow .
does anyone know whether a cheap Chinese led would suffice. I had 30 wishdollard and thinking of getting one. The weathers still good over here. Similar weather to Canada I believe, so would onl6 be micro grow or to put these a bit of extra light At night As getting about 11 hours direct sunlight about 25 celsius


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@MarshydroTina , its outside so usually about 20-25^ Celsius. This week there’s been a few overcast days and cold so they’ve been inside for four days but going out tomorrow where it will be 17 Celsius going back up to 25 on Monday

What is the temperature and humidity in your grow space?
Day 19 from cracking the eggs


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