New Grower Jack herer, mainly outdoor af winter grow

Oct 16, 2019
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Hi folks, new here. And just started three af Jack herer.
they will be outside in the daytime while sunny and will be back in the house or the studio at nighttime’s and if get snow etc.
Mainly organic, light Cacts soil, vermiculite and compost to start off but then adding a bit of monster bloom later to give some juice.
as only a short period for it being warm outside I’m not expecting much and think I’ll be harvesting by Xmas.
any help appreciated.
im in bulgaria so it should still be quite warm a while.
im on day 4 from when they broke. Seeds are from seedsmafia
Sorry, @hairyman,I meant to put that.
3 litre Tex pots so they can be moved in at nighttime when the weathers cold.
in bulgaria we have big gardens so it’s a bit more secluded but can get serious time for it so discretion a must.
was thinking of guerilla but jackals, bears etc.
maybe in the summer I will but there’s a lot of loggers here.
illhave a look at your threads as the more I can digest the better
@420Forever , if that means pee poor planning, you’re absolutely correct.
my missus only just agreed as she’s very straight laced. It’s only cos she’s started using CBD that I’ve been able to get her to drop her guard. Monday just gone in fact, and she thinks im using pure rude rails seeds that grow in the wild. If I didn’t take this opportunity knowing it may well be dire I may not get another opp.
in reality if it is dire she won’t mind me doing more, as she expecting them to be small
@420Forever , if that means pee poor planning, you’re absolutely correct.
my missus only just agreed as she’s very straight laced. It’s only cos she’s started using CBD that I’ve been able to get her to drop her guard. Monday just gone in fact, and she thinks im using pure rude rails seeds that grow in the wild. If I didn’t take this opportunity knowing it may well be dire I may not get another opp.
in reality if it is dire she won’t mind me doing more, as she expecting them to be small

lol pee poor planning :rofl: nope, quite simply, ppp = puffpuffpass & me post was jus me subbin up to ur thread ;) ppp
Haha. Nice one. I had to search for the acronym and the only one I could find lol. Should have realised. lol

don't feel bad, nobody else ever getz it either, lol :rofl: but, me own continual amazement liez in the fact that no stoner ever getz it :doh: ppp
Are they going be under lights when you bring them in,,
I ain't an out door grower but I would have thought climate in Bulgaria at this time of year ain't ideal,, I in Scotland and ain't a chance this time of year outside..

Before you know it wife be wanting to convert the cellar to a grow room :thumbsup:
@hairyman, no they won’t be under lights when they come in.
the weathers pretty hot here and apart from night frost and some overcloudiness is forecast to be sunny the next several months.
on off days I’ll be bringing them into the warm of course, but putting no lights up. I have the equipment already at the other house but the missus doesn’t know not expecting this one to be ace, more a let’s see what happens but also gets the claws in for summer Slowlee slowlee catchy monkey


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