New Grower IV: Twenty20 Mendocino Trizkits again!)

Day 15: 5/26 Added first ever foliar feed! Interesting.....

Foliar feed 1 hour before lights out @ 110ppm and 6.7pH

Lights on:
Mixed up 500ml total
Starting 0ppm 7.7pH
2ml Miicrobial Mass - ended up at 357ppm 5.2pH
1/2ml DynaGro Protekt silica product - brought the mix to 376ppm and 6.3pH
Added just a drip of pH UP for a final of: 379ppm and 6.5pH
Watered with 250ml


Still bending over so I braced it. Last time raising the light and full intensity straightened it up. This time, still leaning. We will see what happens the next couple days. Monster pom-pom at the moment.

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Ended up with some spotting from the foliar spray. Maybe my mister isn't good enough? or fine enough? I'm going to post a whole separate foliar feed thread as I have a few questions about it and ill post my mix/products as well.

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And the 5th node emerging already! So quick. Easy to see the foliar spray spots.... I think I did it wrong.

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1) a dowel rod...2) some electrical tape...and 3) a craftliy fashioned paper clip....will 4) work a treat for holdin that lil bebe in place, without havin to constantly mess with a pipecleaner :thumbsup: ppp
Day 15: 5/26 Added first ever foliar feed! Interesting.....

Foliar feed 1 hour before lights out @ 110ppm and 6.7pH

Lights on:
Mixed up 500ml total
Starting 0ppm 7.7pH
2ml Miicrobial Mass - ended up at 357ppm 5.2pH
1/2ml DynaGro Protekt silica product - brought the mix to 376ppm and 6.3pH
Added just a drip of pH UP for a final of: 379ppm and 6.5pH
Watered with 250ml


Still bending over so I braced it. Last time raising the light and full intensity straightened it up. This time, still leaning. We will see what happens the next couple days. Monster pom-pom at the moment.

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Ended up with some spotting from the foliar spray. Maybe my mister isn't good enough? or fine enough? I'm going to post a whole separate foliar feed thread as I have a few questions about it and ill post my mix/products as well.

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And the 5th node emerging already! So quick. Easy to see the foliar spray spots.... I think I did it wrong.

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To me, the spotting looks like more a “stain” of the spray drying on the leaf which shouldn’t be an issue. Note this comment is worth what has been paid and I’m a noob at this craft!
Day 16: 5/27 Added 250ml of 0ppm and 6.6pH water


Starting to straighten up! Just needed a little push.


I bent a little cradle in the pipe cleaner.


Oh baby, those little leaves in the center..... get a little taller and SNIP! Top time!

Day 17: 5/28 Added 500ml water, got just a trickle of runoff. I think I bumped the water at the right time.

Mixed 1000ml of 50/50 distilled/dechloro tap starting ppm 93 pH 6.6
Added 1.25 ml Protekt silica brought it to 128ppm 9.2pH
Touch of molasses mix up to 145ppm and 9.2pH
pH Down to final: 153ppm and 6.3pH
500 ml to each plant

Pics: Starting to stand up straight.


The stem has significantly thickened since day 14, finally getting the strength to hold itself up.


So far, so good. Probably top in the next couple days and maybe start nutes on day 22 or so. Give it a full 3 weeks of just the soil and a couple days to recover from the trauma.

Day 19: 5/30 OK, I won't top this one. I'll let it go natural.

Started very light nutes today: Dyna-Gro Line, the ppm and pH is a running tally as each bit is added.
500ml Distilled Water starting 0 ppm and 8.5 pH
0.625ml Protekt 38ppm 9.6pH
dripped in Foliage Pro 172ppm 8.8pH
(going by an actual amount, calculated 0.625ml brought the ppm count to the mid 400's. Way too much. Dumped and restarted. Had to carefully add just a few drips and I wish it had stayed a bit lower.)
pH Down
Final numbers: 184ppm and 6.5pH

Split the water 250ml/250ml watered in approx 15 minutes apart and had just a drip of runoff. Pot felt light initially


Aaaand we are standing up straight!

Ooh I want to snip your little head off. You're lucky though, my friend @Death The Cultivator says to leave you alone!
Day 21: Missed a day, so no day 20 update. Today 6/1 is day 21. Added nothing yesterday.

Today: 500 ml of 50/50 dechlorinated tap and distilled water mix.
Starting numbers were 5.4pH and 180ppm
Added 1ml protekt silica product and pH up
Final numbers: 234ppm and 6.4pH

No run off with 500ml added slowly. Will water again tomorrow. Going to bump up to 750ml and stop once I start seeing some runoff.


One tight bush in there!

