Itz Lemon Z yall

Day 1….ish


IG: @Fermented_fruitz
Cultivators Club
Sep 14, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Stone dragon, Bloodstone, Devils Lettuce
So I haven’t done a thread in a while as i got extremely lazy with my growing and basically planted a seed and then let it fend for itself but decided to do it right with these lemon z ladies! Gonna be running them in 2 full sized earthboxes and got my free sample of megacrop to feed them! Since i will be providing the nutes i went ahead and just added some worm castings and am reusing my soil from last run! Only stood up a few days ago in the jiffy pucks and just planted the pucks today! Today is technically day 5 but since photos u really go off flower time we will just call today day 1! :shrug::vibe::cooldance:


Finally getting some growth out these little ladies! It always takes a little bit for them to start moving once they get transplanted up cuz lots of room for the roots to start growing downward before the plant grows upward! It also didn’t help that i had an outbreak of fungus gnats and no time to treat it since the plants were already up in the jiffy pucks so been treating with BTI water and also gonna order some predator mites if they won’t go away! I added bti to the reservoir water today as well and gave them their first feeding of the SeaK soluble kelp from greenleaf nutrients! Next time i fill the reservoir i will add the megacrop but probably gonna be at 1/4 rate to start til i see how they respond! Also may use my syphon pump to pull a little liquid out the reservoir so i know what the ph is doing and if it stays stable! Instead of a ph pen it may behoove me to instead buy a blulab bench meter where the probe is attached to a wire where i could easily drop it down the earthbox fill tube to get a ph reading! Can’t exactly adjust it once its in the reservoir but if it drift over time i can just not fill the reservoir up as full so whats inside gets used up quicker! :thumbsup::cooldance:


Also once they get a little bit taller i will pull the cover over on the eartbox! If reusing soil works just fine if providing the nutrients to the feed instead i may plant a cover crop at the end of this run so its established for next! Then i can use it til box gets covered and plant gets flipped to bloom and then can chop it down so it can become food and mulch!
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Really starting to move now! Luckily somehow @VitaMan mentioned something in live stoners about doing autos in winter for the 18hrs of warmth and it made me realize my tent was definitely not on 18hrs so my ladies from day 1 of planting the jiffy pucks they have been getting only 12hrs of light so i swapped to 18hrs couple days back! That plus the addition of foliar sprays of the SeaK soluble kelp plus yucca for penetration have really helped em start moving! :thumbsup::headbang::cooldance:

Looking like they will really start to pick up now that everything is getting dialed! Do you have any idea how big youre gonna let em get before flower? Earthboxes are rad! Itll work fine with you providing nutes.
Looking like they will really start to pick up now that everything is getting dialed! Do you have any idea how big youre gonna let em get before flower? Earthboxes are rad! Itll work fine with you providing nutes.
You do understand that he is planning on running the earth boxes in a non-conventional earthbox manner, right?

I think it'll be interesting if he can pull it off.

I'd like to see some run bio tabs in an earthbox and use the reservoir in a conventional earthbox style manner. I think ya could really see some monsters!
That's gotta be the smallest radiator heater I've ever seen

Its an oil heater I got back in the day for the 2x4 cuz i was told not to get the cheapo kind with tye fan inside! This works in the 4x4 since not keeping it crazy warm just enough that I don’t have huge swings between lights on and off! I set my floor ac to 68 when i go to bed so inside tent can get cold without it! I use the kind with a fan inside without issue too i just don’t point it blowing directly onto any plants but been using it recently in my bedroom since my rooms like an igloo when i wake up! :shrug::rofl::snow2: