Indoor It's my first time, be gentle

So think about the physics of how you are set up for a moment. If I am seeing it correctly, here is what is going on.

You are sucking and filtering the hottest air in your tent (at the top), and then pumping it back in at the bottom. Your lights are at the bottom as well. Heat rises, so you are taking the hottest air and pumping it right back in, right by the lights, which are heating it more, and the cycle continues. You are, in effect, creating a convection oven. lol

Also, because the air is circulating instead of being replaced, the tent is a zero pressure environment. This means that smells inside the tent can escape.

When you create negative pressure inside the tent, any pinholes or openings are pulling air in, therefore no smell can escape other than through the carbon filter. With positive pressure you would be blowing smell from those openings, and with zero pressure odor can escape.

Let the carbon filter do it's job. If exhausting air into the room makes the house too hot then exhaust into the attic. Just be sure that you have a way to make sure your filter is still scrubbing. You can also use ducting for the intake to bring air in from a cooler part of the house. My cab is in my garage, but the passive intake comes in from a closet in the house so I get conditioned air coming in at the bottom.
OK I did everything you suggested. Don't tell my husband because I have him convinced I'm incapable of following directions :mrgreen:

I have the fan blowing out into the room now, and no smell is coming from it :d5: I did put a fan blowing into the vent in the back and that seems to be helping control the temperature. This should work while it is still cold outside. This bulb puts out A LOT of heat and when warmer weather comes I don't think I'll be able to keep it cool. In fact, on the few days that it has reached 60 outside I could hardly keep the entire room below 80. If I can just keep the odor contained to this room I'll be doing well.

My other option is to move this operation to the barn, but the weather is too up and down for that right now. I'll just make do and try not to feel defeated. My goal is to only grow once or twice a year. I am only supplying myself for medicinal purposes, so the cost of a LED is too much.

I've raised the light again, but every time I do, they grow another inch!! I feel like I'm swimming upstream.

Once again thank you!! I appreciate the fact that you continue to give me direction and advice even though I'm an idiot. :thanks:
You aren't an idiot. Some of this stuff isn't exactly intuitive for the average person.

I don't grow in the summer at all because of heat issues, but my setup is in the garage, and it gets to 110 degrees in there.

LEDs aren't expensive if you know where to look. Go to Ebay and search for MarsHydro 300 watt. Look for the white colored lights they make. We call them the "old style" lights. I got two 300 watt panels for well under $200. That is plenty for your tent. The investment is well worth it. Good luck!

Ok so I've caught up here and the need for an inlet fan is useless. It will draw power and the exhaust fan with just a flap open down low and I put some 4" ducting with a few curves in it to stop light escape, you will be surprised at how much it will draw in from the negative pressure. Keep raising your light as the plant grows or you'll have a 8" tall bush and get nothing from it. Don't fret as greenjeans said you want the plant canopy at 80degrees or near there. If room hits 85 it's no fret plant will be fine.
You aren't an idiot. Some of this stuff isn't exactly intuitive for the average person.

Yes, but after your explanation it was so obvious I felt like :doh: Reminds me of every math class I ever took.

I will absolutely look into ebay. I had looked around on the mars hydro section and after seeing the prices closed it. At the risk of sounding like a broken record....Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
Krypt is absolutely right. Raise those lights up some. You WANT them to grow. It is the difference between getting a half ounce and getting 5 ounces. And that inline fan will pull air into the tent just fine without a secondary fan. You truly don't need a fan on the intake, and it can actually cause odor to escape. Let it create that negative pressure. It doesn't need help.
Also, don't open up too many vents on the bottom. You WANT the fan to create some pressure and suck the tent walls in a little. A 6 inch fan should be pulling through a 6-10 inch opening in the tent. This creates the negative pressure you need. You want to restrict the intake a little rather than opening it up. The fan will pull what it needs through a smaller opening. A little bigger than the fan ducting size is perfect.
Eureka!! Ok!! now I get how the filter works. I have it all sealed up with 6ft of ducting running from out the back of the tent to the fan. Warm, clean smelling air is churning out of it in a way I wouldn't have thought possible. I will keep a close eye on the temp, but now I'm not so sure it is going to be the problem I once thought. If so, I have the link provided by GJ. :thanks:

I raised the light up and will see how that works. I feed them today so I was going to need to raise it soon anyway. I will be carfefull not to give them too much room because they are going to be big anyway.

You guys/gals rock!! I really appreciate your help. :bighug: