Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

Hoy . @ltisi what is this stuff , Seems as you have a fair bit there , I wouldn't mind a bit . [emoji106]
It's the oil that condenses on the vapes. High in canabiods zero terps!

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Haha, no.. one’s more than my ears can handle. [emoji6]

Don’t get too excited, I haven’t got my route through yet. Tho I know there is a job needs doing in Kent tomorrow, just depends who gets it.

You could always volunteer
Gsc senior is a little frosty.

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They’re greasy bastards aren’t they? Leaves an oil slick on the hands. [emoji106][emoji2533]

I’m coming your way tomorrow geez.. I can stick the tin through your letter box, not sure about the jar tho. What ya wanna do?