Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

That’s the spirit Wilee! [emoji6]

I trust you’re blazin’ doobz and guzzling Jim Beam this fine evening? [emoji41]
No mate just the reefer madness tonight to much shit to do tomorrow but tomorrow night well i might partake in a bottle or two [emoji16]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
No mate just the reefer madness tonight to much shit to do tomorrow but tomorrow night well i might partake in a bottle or two [emoji16]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk

Fair do’s.

Check out the sy-fy channel, Zom-beavers has just started.

It’s gonna be amazing. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji1360]

TBH I have a lot of dreams about being attacked by cats.. the fookers are relentless!

Bite scratch, claw... throw em at the wall.. they keep coming back.

Any armchair psychologists wanna assess me?

It means you're a closet homo that wants to be fisted by a hairy man wearing fur gloves.