I would like to stay in pots this year. I got some 20L planters and 30L for the photo... I had serious problem with height last year. I put them in a ground when they were about a 1ft tall. They grew and grew and in the end they were about 2ft over my 6ft fence but again those were regular photo plants of lemon haze. I cant really have them growing like this. Never planted autos in the ground so dont really know how high they can grow. I have really sunny garden which us a plus.
Nice trees maaaan! [emoji41] Yeah, you’d have to be careful the police helicopter doesn’t get stuck in the top branches!
You could have snapped the tops to keep ‘em below fence height, or tie them down but yeah, in your own garden pots is definitely a more sensible idea.
I used to use B&Q potting compost indoors but it started going wrong so I’m not sure how much advice you’d want from me. Pots of soil = certain death to my plants recently!
Aww... autos don’t go massive in the ground in my experience. They do ok but are much better suited to indoor growing. Nice buds, but not many.