Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

im in Harbour Exchange. Just over the road.

They truly are a different breed around here.

i went to a pub i know for lunch, 2 bars, I full of suits eating and quaffing over priced french vinegar, the other full of proper locals (east end cabbies). The locals have this 'thanks for tripling my house value' attitude to the suits.

No matter how much you regenerate the area, its still the isle of dogs.

Can't Polish a Turd

Better than my idea of nailing his cat to his front door (sorry @witchyhour ).

The filth said he had been sectioned in the past.

Itisher has convinced me to give him 3 strikes.

With What? :deadhorse:
Today is itisolds funeral.

It's also the day that I stopped killing seeds.

It's a polar light but shall be known as Jessie after itisold.
RIP Itisold. Never met her but anyone who manages an age like that is a gold medalist in my eyes. Even more so by not ending up in a nursing home where they bleed you dry of all the things you lived for. Savvy bird :bighug: