Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.


Centre of my town

Let's not forget the ring roads, dude ;-)

AND... getting in and/or out is a pain in the arse, but, aye it is quieter in general.

The photo photo.

Anything that pokes through,gets tucked under, 1st rule of transexual school.

Gotta try and squeeze an aquafarm in here.

That yellow warning notice says "do not squeeze aquafarm here".

The photo photo.
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Anything that pokes through,gets tucked under, 1st rule of transexual school.

Gotta try and squeeze an aquafarm in here.
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That yellow warning notice says "do not squeeze aquafarm here".

Pwoper scwog. The net's a bit large tho eh bud? Did you nick the football nets at the park?
Yowch! I'd have stayed asleep! Mrs V's been a right mess today.. Wine & vodka... She's only had 3 spliffs all day! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

I find sleep dulls the senses.

Oh, that's the point maybe.

I have had so much random shite spew out of me today, I apologise for any on here.