Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

Beasts U! [emoji1360]

How the fook have you got the temp down to 29°? Maybe the LEDs?

My cellar's running around 30°to 32° and that underground.

The little one's getting big now too eh? [emoji1362]

Noice work bruv. [emoji1420]

Ta Vlad.

Yer, the leds help. Also the supply and extract combo. Once I get the roof insulated I reckon I'll have licked,the other tent runs cooler coz it's insulated, I had 32c in there when it was 34c outside.:cool1:

I supply from the airing cupboard, strangely that gives the best ambient temps.

The photo is getting vegged until the other tent is harvested, gonna top her off a couple more times then flower her out in a scrog net. She's eating up that mars 1600.
Ta Vlad.

Yer, the leds help. Also the supply and extract combo. Once I get the roof insulated I reckon I'll have licked,the other tent runs cooler coz it's insulated, I had 32c in there when it was 34c outside.:cool1:

I supply from the airing cupboard, strangely that gives the best ambient temps.

The photo is getting vegged until the other tent is harvested, gonna top her off a couple more times then flower her out in a scrog net. She's eating up that mars 1600.

Fookin massive panel mate! That's the first time I've seen it. I wouldn't fancy hanging that up on my own. [emoji856]
Fookin massive panel mate! That's the first time I've seen it. I wouldn't fancy hanging that up on my own. [emoji856]

Yer, she's a weighty fecker oright. Fortunately I can get away with sticking it up high and leaving it there its so bright:yoinks:.

I keep burning my head on the bastard!