She does seem stunted to me, at day 24 in your grow environment I would have expected a bigger plant with more branching. When you 1st remove some fan leaves she was too young in my opinion, but I have often found these plants hit some amazing growth spurts in spite of some of the things we do to them. It is all a learning process and part of the journey of gaining experience. These big fan leaves store energy, help the plant with photosynthesis, help the plant transpire, and also uptake nutrients via foliar feeding. I tend not to remove big fan leaves unless they are already old and dieing or simply blocking a branch top site and tucking wont work, if tucking does work I want to do this and let the leaf live, as it is a energy factory for the plant and grows for a reason. I usually don't remove fan leaves in Veg but only in flower, though every grow scenario is different, I have in past grows had battles with Thrips which has caused me to remove fan leaves sooner. With all this said your case could also simply be you are growing 'the runt of the litter'. When I have grown out 3 to 5 plants at the same time of the same strain, one always seems to lag behind the others being the runt, it could be your one plant here might have just been that runt. Even with good quality genetics there is still genetic variance in each plant, which is why people love to pheno hunt.

Also when you raise the lights in should cause the plant to 'stretch' towards the light, mainly the top, with your LST technique the branches should stretch out, I actually get/encourage my side branch growth by getting some lower power screw in led's closer to the branch site and giving them their own source of light. a simple desk lamp is used for this purpose and one that is highly adjustable so I can ensure the branch sites are getting their own quality light source.

At this point in your grow, you should see some stretch when she goes into flower, most strains will do this, I have had some auto's double in size during flower, but most don't, and some hardly stretch at all, it comes back to genetic variance. Ensure you are not over watering which is such a common common mistake that I see many experience growers do let alone newbies. Allow your soil to dry out a little inbetween waterings, but not to the point of the plant wilting due to no water. Its a fine line, and as the plant matures and goes into bloom its water requirements change, don't be surprised if a flowering auto becomes a heavy drinker, I always let the soil tell me when to water.

So, quick update from today, day 25:

Here she is when I got home from work, all tops were facing the light again

fotografia 1.JPG

And then after a little bit more lst:

fotografia 2.JPG
fotografia 3.JPG
fotografia 4.JPG
Looking like a great start!
Hi guys! Let me pick your brains :)

I'm a first time grower learning on the job, my plant was growing small and bushy and on day 20 I started my first lst atempt. I cutted 4 big fan leaves during lst because they were touching the soil and blocking light to the lower side branches. I think she recovered well but comparing to other 29 days old ladies I see here, she seems very small, bushy and under-developped. So far I haven't noticed any signs of pre-flower yet.

Does she seems ok to you guys? Does she looks healthy and happy or is she stunt? Can I still excpect some yield from her?

Any kind of advice is greatly appreciated!

Thanks and happy grows! :D

fotografia 1.JPG
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fotografia 2.JPG
Sorry about the upside down photos, don't know why it did that :(
Please list grow specifics. Medium used, nutes, lights, light distance from canopy, strain, hours lights off etc.
I think she recovered well but comparing to other 29 days old ladies I see here
That is a lesson in futility. Try to refrain. There are far too many variables from one grow to the next to compare with your plant and environment.
Please list grow specifics. Medium used, nutes, lights, light distance from canopy, strain, hours lights off etc.

That is a lesson in futility. Try to refrain. There are far too many variables from one grow to the next to compare with your plant and environment.

Sorry mate, forgot th details!
I'm growing in soil with npk base, with 25-30% perlite, 8-9l pot.
Lights are 136 actual watts led, with both veg and bloom switch on since day 14, around 18" from the canopy. Lights are 18-6 from seed.

I only fed with quarter dose generic npk 6-3-2 once (2ml per liter) and three feeds with 1ml calmag, but i'm using tap water, I have no ph meeter.

RH during seedling was around 60-70% and since around day 22 I lowered to 40-50%.

I also have a small 12v pc fan inside my tent. And she's 60x60x120.
Unless you've got an extremely fragile strain, Taking off four leaves shouldn't do much harm. If light defoliations hurt plants, all of mine would only be 6" tall.

Some times it's just the phenotype or strain that'll grow super slow.
If you take a look at this picture you'll see what I mean:

They're the same strain and same age.
Sometimes you'll pop a "dud" that won't perform. It happens.
I too (all too often) see 'dud' or stunted plants, even with 2 seeds of same strain planted at same time in the same Air-Pots. Some seeds (and strains) just don't want to grow much. This is a reason why many often plant 2 seeds of each strain, and cull the one that lags behind.

Others more knowledgeable may be able to figure out specific reason(s) for your problem. With no checking or adjustment of pH, I presume most will concentrate on that being a or the problem. Also, you do not mention use of cannabis-specific nutrients. What led you to adopt the [uncited] nutes you are using? What will you feed as nute base and bloom-booster supplements during bloom?

Otherwise, at day 20, I'm already feeding at full strength, so maybe now at day 22 and only ever feeding once at 1/4 strength, the problem could just be starvation.
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Unless you've got an extremely fragile strain, Taking off four leaves shouldn't do much harm. If light defoliations hurt plants, all of mine would only be 6" tall.

Some times it's just the phenotype or strain that'll grow super slow.
If you take a look at this picture you'll see what I mean:View attachment 988344
They're the same strain and same age.
Sometimes you'll pop a "dud" that won't perform. It happens.

How old was your lady in this photo? she looks great to me!!